Boris Nemtsov to murder, a well-known dissident, took place on Friday at approx. 23.40 on the big bridge Moskworeckim, adjacent to Wasiliewskiego Spusku, which is an extension of the Red Square. Was given to him at least seven shots from a passing car.
How is it possible that no one stopped?
– It is under the Kremlin – commented on TOK FM Vaclav Radziwinowicz, a journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza” writes about Russia. – He was shot in a place that should be under special supervision. There is constantly on duty security guards, there are plenty of police, undercover, on duty snipers. Strangely on the bridge for walking people fall a few shots, very customs and the perpetrators quietly leave – said the journalist. – Solar Powered is that the perpetrators of the shooting fled in such a place. Should be immediately stuck, caught, and they drove off and disappeared into thin – commented Radziwinowicz.
– Police – as always in political murders – giving conflicting signals that the car they found or not. I hear there are even three cars, but do not know if it can be linked with what happened – commented on TOK FM.
paranoid philosophy Kremlin
Vladimir Putin says that murder is a provocation. – In this paranoid philosophy that guided the hosts of the Kremlin, it is always the case that those who die, and there are opponents of the Kremlin, killed at his own request. Each case of political assassination, and there are a whole series, so it is translated – said the correspondent of “Gazeta Wyborcza”.
He stressed that “Putin’s opponents mortality is extremely high, but each time it was called on to someone else who wants to harm him. “
What message goes to the society? – Przykremlowska TV Live News tells the tale of the fact that the West gave
Precision shots
Nemtsov was hit by four bullets. They shot him in the back, but very precise – bullets hit the heart and stomach. And also in the head. He died almost immediately.
The perpetrators been caught. Witnesses claim that the bombers were moving white Ford. Citing a source in the police, Interfax reported that by the provisions of street surveillance cameras already established registration number of the vehicle.
The world leaders – including Barack Obama, Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel – are “shocked murder.”
Putin’s opposition leader accused of corruption. Recently said that the mother is afraid for his life [PROFILE]

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