Lower Silesia to more than 20 counties mammobusy drive. Research will perform in 51 cities, from today until Saturday. The research may benefit women aged 50-69 years who in the past two years there have been studies performed under the “Population Programme Early Detection of Breast Cancer”.
In all of Lower Silesia institutions organized NHF will share information among about the package oncology, oncology fast track and institutions that implement this package.
In many places – even in shopping centers – will stand education, where, for example. phantom specialists will show how to perform breast self-examination.
February 7 Lower Silesian Oncology Center in Wrocław organizes so. White Saturday. In a specialized clinic will be able to seek surgical oncologists, gynecological oncologist and make a free test including mammography, breast ultrasound or cytology.
In the province. Kuyavian- from 8 to 18 at the premises of the National Health Fund in Bydgoszcz, Torun and Wloclawek lasts an open day. Fund employees answer questions about package oncological prevention programs funded. You can get information about the institutions that have signed contracts for oncology package.
In Lublin open day was held in the Provincial Department of the National Health Fund in Lublin and in delegations in Biala Podlaska, Chelm and Zamosc. Offices are open from 8 to 16 employees of the Fund, among others, provide information about what is a package of oncology, who can use it, who it seems the card diagnosis and treatment of oncological, what the role of the family doctor in the diagnosis of cancer, and also to implement a package of oncology centers. In addition, there will be information on cancer prevention and the possibility of free use of research in prevention; Breast Cancer Prevention Program and the Program for Prevention of Cervical Cancer.
Employees Regional Coordinating Centre “Population program for the early detection of breast cancer,” Cancer Center of the Earth at the Lublin will provide information on prevention programs implemented in the Centre. Anyone interested can also refer to the methods and techniques of breast self-examination on phantoms.
Residents 11 counties from today to Friday, will be able to be explored in special mammobusach. Mammobusy visit the Lublin eleven districts: Janowski, Opole, łęczyński, parczewski, bialski, tomaszowski, hrubieszowski, Zamosc, biłgorajski, krasnostawski and Chelm. SCHEDULE HERE YOU WILL FIND PARKING MAMMOBUSÓW
In the province. Lubusz Regional Branch of the National Health Fund in hours. 8.00-16.00 organizes at its headquarters in Zielona Gora special position, where everyone will be able to learn everything about Oncology Package, get a list of institutions carrying out package Cancer in the province. Lubusz, find out what prevention programs are funded by the LOW NFZ and who carries them out, get information pack including about the package oncology, preventive examinations, patient rights etc.
in 4 cities today and tomorrow women between 50 and 69 years of age will be able to do a mammogram in mammobusach. Today mammobusy will be in Krosno Odrzańskie and Sulechowie, tomorrow Międzyrzecze and Nowa Sol.
In the province. Lodz at the information and delegations NHF you will learn all about the principles of rapid medical oncology, prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. Patients also receive information about research for individuals coping with cancer
On Saturday, February 7 throughout the province women aged 25 – 59 years will be able to make a free Pap smears. HERE YOU WILL FIND LIST OF MISSIONS .
Residents of districts: Bełchatów, Radomsko, sieradzki and Tomaszów can also perform a free mammogram. THE PLACE WHERE WILL MAMMOBUSY, YOU WILL FIND HERE.
The Malopolska NFZ headquarters in Kraków, Tarnów, Nowy Sacz and Nowy Targ organized Open Day in the chair. 8-16. Patients will be able to learn all about. Package oncology. In Krzeszowice Tomice and Kety will mammobusy.
On Saturday, February 7 will be organized while White Saturday – will be able to benefit from the advice of doctors and specialists to perform free checkups (mammography and cytology). HERE YOU WILL FIND THE LIST OF MISSIONS IN WHICH WILL BE ORGANIZED SATURDAY WHITE.
Mazovia information on. Package oncology, cancer prevention breast and cervical cancer can be obtained at the premises of the National Health Fund in Warsaw, Ciechanów Ostroleka, Plock, Radom and Siedlce. Facility will be open after midday. 8 to 16.
In the districts Garwoliński, Legionowo and Sochaczew will also mammobusy where women can explore. LIST HERE YOU WILL FIND A PLACE WHERE WILL MAMMOBUSY.
In the province. Opole the local branch of the National Health Fund in Opole organizing an open day from 9 to 15. You will learn all about. package oncology and prevention programs. Mammobusy from today to Friday will be in the district of Brest. LIST HERE YOU WILL FIND A PLACE WHERE WILL MAMMOBUSY.
On Saturday, February 7 Opole Cancer Center organizes White on Saturday, during which they performed screening ( mammography) in the early detection of breast cancer and breast self-examination science.
The Podkarpaciu, in Rzeszow NFZ of hours. 8:30 to 15:30 will be given information about. Package oncology. Residents will be able to Jasła of hours. 10-16 tested in mammobusie. Tomorrow and the day after will mammobus Debica.
Podlasie between 8 and 16 at the headquarters of the National Health Fund in Białystok will work specifically dedicated position in which each applicant will be informed about the Fast Therapy Oncology, as well as prevention programs for breast cancer detection or cervical cancer.
In the province. Pomeranian the local branch of the National Health Fund in Gdansk from 9 to 15 information and advice will be given by the NHF staff and experts from the Regional Coordinating Centre for Population Programs Breast Cancer Early Detection and Prevention and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer in Gdansk. During the on-call will also be demonstrated on phantoms teaching breast self-examination by women.
Similar information points will also be launched in institutions NHF in Slupsk, Gdynia, Chojnice and Malbork.
On Saturday, February 7 Open Day will be held at the Regional Cancer Center in Gdansk. On this occasion, the ladies will be able to benefit from free mammograms and Pap.
In the province. Silesian at the headquarters of the National Health Fund in Katowice from 8 to 16 will be able to get information on. package oncology. In several counties will also mammobusy. MAMMOBUSÓW LIST FIND HERE.
In the province. Świętokrzyskie open day was held at the headquarters of the local National Health Fund in Kielce. Facility in the chair. 8 to 16 will provide information on. Oncology package.
In the province. Warmia and Mazury The Open Day was held at the headquarters of the National Health Fund in Olsztyn of hours. 8-16. Staff will answer questions regarding both preventive oncology programs and fast track oncology. In addition, people who wish to join the database of potential bone marrow donors will be able to sign up.
Greater at the headquarters of the National Health Fund in Poznań Fund staff will answer questions about the package oncology, as well as inform about free preventive tests for early detection of cancer. Representatives of the Regional Coordinating Centre in Poznan will inform you of free preventive programs for women, and phantoms are prepared to teach women interested in breast screening. Heavy smokers but will be able to measure the levels of carbon dioxide in exhaled air through them. Will also be able to measure the level of body fat.
In the province. the West NHF centers in Szczecin and Koszalin from 8 to 18 will be able to learn all about. package and on oncology. prevention trials funded by the National Health Fund.

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