Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ukrainians: bombers from Kharkiv received weapons from the Russians … – TVP

The march was held to mark the first anniversary of the victory so. Dignity Revolution on Independence Square in Kiev. Policeman was killed protecting the march and Kharkiv known activist, activist Euromajdanu Ihor Tołmaczow.

The prosecutor’s office said that the explosive device was thrown into the crowd from a moving car. However, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced later that the cause of the explosion was a homemade explosive device Dubbed in a snowdrift in the emergency lane of the road. Used for the preparation of TNT and metal components.

Kharkiv media reported, citing police that the cargo is equipped with a time fuse and was wrapped “in a simple plastic bag.”

The Ukrainian citizens who have received training and weapons in the Russian Federation, Belgorod

Counselor head of the SBU Borys Kolesnikov said that four suspected assassination received weapons and trained in Russia. – These are Ukrainian citizens who are trained and weapons in the Russian Federation, Belgorod – Kolesnikov said television is close to 112 Belgorod Kharkiv abroad with the Russian Federation.

“prepared as other assassinations and sabotage actions”

Kolesnikov added that in Kharkov were prepared as other assassinations and sabotage actions. According to the head of the SBU in Kharkiv Oleksandr Pywowara detainees testified that preparing an attack on one of the shopping centers. The second attack was supposed to be a club where men gather involved in the fighting with the separatists in the east of the country, and volunteers.

According to the SBU group preparing attacks bore the name “Charkowscy guerrillas”.

Secretary of State of the Council of National Security and Defence Policy (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov , commenting on the information about the
training in Belgorod, said: – This is another testimony that terrorist campaign, which is implemented in Ukraine, has the same organizers and sponsors, as aggression to the east of Ukraine.

In Kharkov begins anti-terrorist operation

Turczynow also announced that in connection with the attack begins in Kharkov anti-terrorist operation. SBU for its part, announced in Kharkov increased degree of readiness of anti-terrorism. The security forces’ conduct emergency counter-terrorism on a large scale, “- said Kolesnikov.

The explosion occurred near the sports hall, where men have formed a column that was to go through the streets of the city – said the agency Interfax-Ukraine. According to witnesses, which refers to the AFP, the explosion occurred shortly after noon. 12 Polish time, in the region of. Zhukov.

Celebrating the first anniversary of the victory Maidan

On Sunday, Ukraine continues the celebration of the first anniversary of the victory of protests, which began in November 2013. Following the resignation of the then authorities to sign an association agreement with the EU.

After three months of demonstrations, during which clashes with police killed more than 100 people, overthrew the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych came to power a pro-Western groups.


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