Thursday, February 5, 2015

Map of the Tatra Mountains during glaciation rewarded –

Today, February 5 (17:41)

Development of “The Tatra Mountains during the Last Glacial Maximum “, made by Dr. Eng. George Zasadni from the Department of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and PhD. Peter Kłapytę from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, was considered the best map published in 2014. In the international journal “Journal of Maps”.

“Journal of Maps” is the only magazine of this type on the market, in which the electronic version published maps showing the results of research in various fields of science. Every year the jury evaluates nearly seventy studies. During this year’s edition of the competition for the best of the eleven finalists considered Tatras map made by Polish scientists. The verdict emphasized that the development is in a great cartographic convention integrates the results of fieldwork and analysis of remote sensing.

This map shows the topography of the Tatra Mountains during the last ice age – more than 20 thousand. years ago – when the Tatra glaciers reached their maximum range. It is worth noting that this is the first such development, which

presents a spatial image of the glaciers in the whole of the Tatras. The map was made entirely in 3D on the basis of the numerical models of the site. The extent and geometry of glaciers shown on the map reflects the arrangement of landforms: glacial moraines and podciosów. Details that are visible on the surface of glaciers show their likely topography with respect to the accuracy of glaciological and in analogy to modern glaciers.

The winning map is available at:

Thanks to the Convention referring to the development of topographic map is an excellent tool to disseminate knowledge on climate change and environmental change among a wide audience, as well as to promote the beauty of nature Polish and region. The winning work will be printed in a limited edition of two hundred pieces and will be purchased on the magazine. Dr. Eng. Jerzy Zasadni in cooperation with the MA. Eng. Andrew Świąder of AGH done animations zlodowaconymi fly over the Tatra Mountains, based on the award-winning data presented on the map.

This article is excerpted from the category: Science


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