Wednesday, February 4, 2015

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One – 4K in the autumn? –

All analysts predict that this year’s sales 4K TVs will go up very much, and with it will increase the availability of materials in this resolution, and it makes it look worse game consoles Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation One 4, which are not able to provide video playback at resolutions 4K. This situation becomes more annoying for content providers. Among other things, Netflix says that both consoles in refreshed and providing support for 4K versions appear in the autumn of this year.

Representatives Netfliksa about this issue and hopes for future for the first time spoke during the January 2015 CES (Consumer Electronics Show). The company not only wants to heavily promote the video in 4K resolution, but also their service is going to enrich to support HDR (High Dynamic Range), which is, moreover, also promised, Sony, in the context of the new version of the PlayStation 4.

Netflix after the fair is unfortunately not too eager to talk about Sony promises explaining that there is no authority to comment on plans for the manufacturer consoles. Neil Hunt, Netflix from the company, however, said that so far the PlayStation and Xbox passed by a two-year process refreshes, and the next would be the gain around October-November. It was then, in his opinion, Sony and Microsoft bring into their devices change, so that both consoles will be able to play the video without problems 4K. Interestingly, both Sony and Microsoft refuse any comments on any hardware changes.

This just is not a surprise. On the one hand, the two companies do not want to reveal the details, which in effect would reduce sales of the current version of the console and are counting on the fact that the time to refresh their sales as much as possible so that the launch of the new version, in magazines zalegało the least present . On the other hand, Microsoft and Sony will sit quietly and avoided like the plague, criticism for lack of support for 4K video. As a reminder, the Microsoft Xbox One promoted as the most forward-looking and, above all, a device that would provide standardized, home entertainment, from movies and music to television until after the game. Both consoles, for various reasons, from the very beginning been criticized as not just the future, as they said

their representatives of manufacturers and advertising.

About how much so. next-gen consoles are back with technical innovations may even provide that 4K video service Amazon offers since December last year, and Netflix its activities in this area began in April. From the official presentation of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One’s been eighteen months, and their owners are still stuck in a deadlock. It may be recalled by the way, that even before the presentation of Shuhei Yoshida, head of Sony Computer Entertainment, promised to directly support 4K video consoles PlayStation 4.

As Sony and Microsoft can cope with the lack of use of video in 4K? First of all, both devices need a modern HEVC hardware decoder, and so more and more popular standard, used by even the previously mentioned companies Netflix and Amazon. That’s not all, because the consoles would have to be equipped with the new DRM modules compatible with the HDCP 2.2, which is required by many suppliers of 4K. It’s still not all. Both consoles producers would have fitted in the newer interfaces. In both cases, decided to use the HDMI video output 1.4, which is the absolute maximum 4K image at a frequency of 30 frames per second. If Sony and Microsoft want to stay with HDMI, you need to replace the current 1.4 interface for version 2.0, thereby increasing the maximum rate to 60 frames per second.

Even if Microsoft and Sony actually autumn bring to offer new versions of consoles “next-gen” with support for 4K video, it is easy to imagine a lot of dissatisfaction million holders of existing versions of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Perhaps factor mitigating the possible criticism could be price discounts for those who exchanged their consoles to new versions. Ultimately, both companies can not take criticism and cover that on the packaging or in the commercial offers no manual 4K did not promise. But promised “next-gen”, so the next-generation equipment. It just might be the kind of weapons to the consumer.

consoles (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) vs PC. If the computer can be a games console?


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