Monday, February 2, 2015

Raspberry Pi 2 B, or raspberry Strikes: the cheapest computer … – Gadzeto Mania

2 B Raspberry Pi is the latest version of the popular, a miniature computer. New components and productivity growth is not everything. Cooperation with Microsoft made the Raspberry Pi 2 B is probably the least expensive equipment, which run Windows 10!

Raspberry Pi B 2

Raspberry Pi was a great success . After the start of the sale of the interest was so great that the company servers fell, and in the following months, buyers were hundreds of thousands of these devices. The measure of success is the fact that so far sold about 4.5 million Raspberries, which went to countless, sometimes very imaginative, amateur and professional projects.

Despite the success and continued interest in the Raspberry Pi hardware has been 3 years and firmly comes off the possibilities of market competition . It also saw the equipment makers who have decided to refresh the offer, resulting in the latest equipment from the sign Raspberries – Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Foundation has presented 2 B. What can this stuff?

At first glance, the new version looks similar to the older model B +. This is good news – should fit any cabinet or brackets , prepared for the B +. Despite the change of visual similarity, however, is quite a bit.

Performance in image processing

Raspberries heart of the new Broadcom BCM2836 processor with four cores ARMv7 Cortex-A7, which factory overclocked from 800 to 900 MHz. Remained unchanged VideoCore IV GPU, and RAM was increased to 1 GB. In practice this is to give the marked increase in performance – a single-threaded tasks 1.5-fold, and multi-threaded up to 6 times.

The new device will find also more GPIO connectors and 4 (instead of 2) USB ports, and a microUSB 2.0 port for supplying the HDMI output connectors and CSI and DSI.

Seems puzzling decision to leave the slower Ethernet interface – I think many users happy to assume the change to Gigabit Ethernet in particular, emphasized that, as with Broadcom Eben Upton, the new Raspberry was optimized for imaging .

Windows is everywhere!

Maybe it was to maintain low-cost components, because the new Raspberry will cost as much as the older model – $ 35 . A very important change is the result of cooperation with Microsoft, allowing users Raspberry Pi 2 B will not be sentenced to a Linux or old or exotic Android operating systems, but for $ 35 (approx. 130 thousand) will acquire the equipment on which the launch of Windows 10! It should be recalled Microsoft’s announcement that the new system will run you anywhere – ; it seems that they were not empty boast.

Production of new Raspberries started in Pencoed, Sony Welsh factory and Raspberry Foundation estimates indicate that the first day of the sale – that is today – the plan should be a minimum of not less than 10 thousand. devices sold. There will likely be many more – to avoid delays in orders as at the premiere prepared 100 thousand. copies .

It was probably a good decision, because the page seems to have problems with handle the increased traffic , and every now and then disappear from the Internet.

It is important that the offer will be maintained in the older models.


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