Friday, February 27, 2015

This site is 10 years old and governs the video market, but … still does not make money –

This site has received numerous recordings reveal the unbelievable amount. For example, Gangnam Style has been accessed two billion times. Examples could be multiplied, and all could be proof that YouTube is a service of the incumbents. And because almost with every film we see advertising we could be confident that YouTube is a gold mine, machine for making money.

Journalists Wall Street Journal have discovered, however, that Google .. . does not make money on YouTube. The main reason? YouTube works by gigantic infrastructure that requires an equally enormous costs. The second reason is weak profits the way YouTube works. Users benefit primarily from the links, relatively few people open service by the homepage where you could put some profitable advertising.

The Wall Street Journal also stresses that YouTube is still less attractive to advertisers than traditional television.

Since the 3-4 billion dollars, which brings YouTube does not allow to fully cover the cost of the service,

just think if anyone is able to create an alternative service operating on a similar scale. Google does not close so YouTube, because the service is part of a larger whole, thanks to which, however, Google achieves extremely great income.


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