Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Battlefield 4 Beta - First Impressions - FrazPC.pl

We sit comfortably in their chairs, fastened seatbelts and let’s go. October 1 at 10:00 am – EA and DICE officially begun beta testing one of the best shooter’ów modern times. In today’s look at the product from the Swedish studio DICE’ll see if Battlefield 4 is likely to be a product worthy predecessor. What has changed and what still needs to be improved? These questions among others will reply to you below.

Author: Piotr Szymanski

October of this year, unusually hot month. Of course, not because of the prevailing temperature outside the window, but the number of premier gaming and computing devices. Not yet had time to calm down after the conference AMD , and now we face the next big event in the world of IT which are beta testing BF 4. As it turns out both events are very much related. AMD surprised just about everyone to create a low-level API, the use of which has been announced in Battlefield 4 Some people already has perks of having a “red,” and how it will work in practice? About the only’ll see in December, when it is published in an appropriate amendment.

Battlefield 4

tests really began in June. year. Selected group of people (EA calls them fans of the series) received the first access to the game in the popular FPS-es. The rest had to do the taste, but maybe it’s better if the product is far from perfect? Beta testing is the last straight before the premiere. The range of changes that can be made is really small, because the extraordinary in the world there is no longer time.

time to get into the kitchen, popularly called as part of the article, we give purely game. At the very beginning of the word of battlelogu without which Battlefield 4 would not be the same game. After beta expected that the use of “bl” is much more difficult. Nothing wrong. From the beginning, we get a full set of features that accompanied us in the previous section. The player has the full right of access to charts, statistics, change weapons before gameplay, and even try a new mode Fri “Missions”. The screen shots can watch even one new that was not there in battlelogu “troika”. The “Leaderboards” is dedicated regional rankings. With the new players can compare their achievements with another fan of Battlefield 4, eg: in your city. What would you say the title of the best soldier support in Warsaw? :-)

menu leaderboards

Beta testers

Battlefield 4 also got the game in two modes – domination and conquest on the map – Siege of Shanghai. Both modes do not need special introduction. The dominance use all the vehicles in the game, on a much larger map, conquest are operating on small maps do not have available the whole gamma of tanks, helicopters and other armored vehicles. When you select a server, we start off the game …


We were surprised to find that immediately after opening the beta testing we did not have ANY! from reaching the server. Less pleasant waiting to load the game. Battlefield 3 in terms of charging “MP” beat all records. Imagine that it could be worse. Explicit proof of this is the fourth part. After a long staring at the screen in front of us, finally, shows a map with a simplified view of the game, character class selection menu and live view of “rebirth” player. Compared to BF3 a lot has changed. Places “deploy points” can only point to the map. There are no lists for easy selection. Unfortunately, sometimes the “new” problems, especially when it hits the situation in which the number of members of our team operates in a small area. Then the “rebirth” of the selected player can be difficult. Interface selection soldier class is a subjective assessment of the user. In both BF3 and BF4 both coincided with our taste. In the fourth part of the modification of Battlefield weapons in the game made a lot of gray. We’ll see if it is a permanent change. For now, the menu is difficult to read and makes it difficult to select the things that we at the moment are most interested.


look at all the things we had to describe it, to go to the full game. Battlefield 4 is a multi-dimensional game, after entering command mode even more addicted us from using the modes are not necessarily associated with running the map in weaponry.

answer why you have selected to beta test map “Siege of Shanghai” should not surprise anyone. A new graphics engine, Battlefield 4 – Frostbite 3 dopieszczono imaging reflections. Pay particular attention to the light reflected by the windshield Shanghai’s skyscrapers. Honestly? We have not met with such an accurate reflection of the image even in games using CryEngine 3 engine It remains an open question how it will look like the graphics on other maps? We fear that what we saw today may no longer be repeated.

msaa_wiezowiec patrzymy_na_wiezowiec



refleks_1 jazda_winda

addition to bringing into play the spectacular reflections same quality of graphics is only displayed evolution than revolution. DICE opting for the redesigned engine clearly focused on improving the physics of the game. All the time we are hunting for a moment in front of us which collapses the famed skyscraper with a show preview. What may be appealing, the resulting after effects. Map sinks in clouds of dust, car alarms going by what we feel the tension the game. The demonstration movies, EA boasts a model of damage. Their sizes can be seen already in beta testing, but it is still not what we would expect from the engine Frostbite 3 It is true that most of the elements, such as lanterns, concrete posts and even entire buildings, structures can be turned to dust, but lack the proverbial dots on the i After a few hours of gameplay can easily say that we can destroy it, and do not move up the M1 Abrams. Compared to BF3, and so we note disputes Filmaster status and we hope that it will continue to evolve.

zawalenie_wiezowca skyscraper

widok_z_gory srodek_wiezowca

srodek_wiezowca_2 sodoma_i_gomora

Unflattering opinions of players across physics moving tanks. We share the view that it is more like driving go-karts around the track than a realistic move the concrete track. In stark contrast are the helicopters. Their maneuverability and the mode of transportation is really high-end, to top it all on “the battlefield” of Shanghai are much more vulnerable to infantry than in Battlefield 3

z_msaa_czolg motor boat

arouses admiration in the beta dynamics of the game. Hard to tell us where lies its success and the difference compared to the “troika”. Is it due to the construction of maps, or perhaps an improved model of the damage? It seems to us that all the elements – from infantry to tanks, helicopters, buildings and reflections play a rhythm. So if he had just moved to China, I was given a rifle and told to fight the enemy. The dynamics of the game is an extraordinary asset DICE product and it is on this element we should focus our attention.

miasto_plonie balloon

One might ask, and how to shoot, run, jump, crouch? My answer is: sensational. BF3 already requested this new quality dimension. In Battlefield 4 decided to continue. The strength of arms to feel the first firing of ammunition. Mapping the reality of the shooter is at a very high level and would be so on.

laweczka height

left at the end of the description of the optimization. On the beta testing we had i7-2600K@4.0 GHz processor, 8 GB of RAM and two video cards – GTX 660 and GTX 660 Ti. The game launched for the first time on the configuration of the GTX 660 and installed driver version 320.49. Imagine our surprise when fraps on your meter display our numbers from 30 to 35 We thought – okay, developed engine, such as the ultra detail and resolution of 1920×1080 is not bad. That would be too good. After entering the settings we found that, indeed, the results achieved our computer, but not on maximum settings and only high! A little disheartened by this fact we decided to check on drivers for GTX 660 331.40. Disappointment reached its zenith …

card do not want to accept this version driver’ów. Fortunately, in reserve at all times remained second GeForce – GTX 660 Ti. He did not have any problems with 331.40, and upon entering we were greeted BF4 results at the level of 40-50 frames / s with maximum details. Performance depends on how well you know it is the place where the check. On the map of Shanghai, is one area where you can notice a big drop in FPS. This is, then we enter the point of entry to the tower, which often during the game is broken. Before skyscraper on fire several vehicles which emits dense smoke. It is these elements make the smoothest picture on the GTX 660 Ti transforms into the game difficult to name satisfactory. Each topic about Battlefield 4 seething about problems with performance, but remember that this is, after all, is still beta. Our responsibility is to report at this point, errors and omissions, so that the full version can be called the final product.

Battlefield 4 Beta

gives grounds to believe that the final product will be part of a successful series continues one of the best fps past few years. Are we disappointed with the amount of change? Absolutely not! We obtain improved product in all three aspects – the physics, graphics and dynamics. From EA and DICE expect your only improve optimization, because today the problem facing many beta testers.

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