March Sanctity of Life Sunday passed through the streets of Warsaw , photo:
– It’s not only exterior but inner beauty is a woman. So tell everyone about your mother, sister, wife, or even mother– said the organizer of the March for Life Father Thomas Kancelarczyk.
March began on Sunday afternoon at Jasne Błonia. – That’s a strong statement, and opposition to the culture of death. The March for Life is that we took of the force, and said further that life is beautiful, do not act against him – said Fr. Kancelarczyk.
Szczecin-Kamien Metropolitan Archbishop Andrzej Dzięga opening march asked for prayers for the Canadian pro-life activist. – In Canada – the country seem to be democratic – in prison is Mary Wagner for being reprimanded for his life and asks his mother to protected the life – he said. – Pray for the human hatred of life, for lack of love for life, for the sins against life and folly in the world today – he added.
The march was attended mainly families with children and young people. Participants had together white and red balloons, flags and banners. To the accompaniment of guitars and drums, chanted, among others “We are the army that defends life”, “Smile Toddler added spirit” or “Life
The march ended in front of Szczecin cathedral, where Mass was celebrated under the leadership of Archbishop. Dzięgi. According to estimates by the police, the march was attended by 20 thousand. people – residents of Szczecin, but also Stargard, Police, and the Slovak Košice.
Szczecin organizer of the march is Catholic Association Civitas Christiana.
IAR, PAP, kk

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