The research vessel Aranda, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Dennis Jarvis
In the international waters of the Baltic Sea, the Russian Navy makes it difficult for researchers to carry out research – said Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). One member of the crew of the research vessel admitted that scientists look at life at great depth and is surprised why this area is also interested in the Russians. This is not the first similar event, also in the last year of Scandinavian scientists have had problems for Russian ships.
According to the statement published by SYKE twice forced the Russians on Tuesday belonging to the Institute research vessel Aranda to change course. The first incident took place in the morning in the Latvian economic zone, when the Finnish and Swedish scientists took samples from the sea. A few hours later, a similar event took place in the waters in the Swedish economic zone, east of Gotland.
In both cases, the crew was informed of the need to give up her seat Russian submarine. Finnish research unit also banned the flow in an easterly direction.
According to Satu af Ursin of the crew of the vessel Aranda behavior of the Russian Navy testing very difficult, because the place and time of
As scientists want to find out what life is like organisms at a depth of 248 meters. I do not know why this area is also interested in Russian – Satu af Ursin said the newspaper “Hufvudstadsbladet”.
In connection with the incident took the intervention of the Swedish Air Force. The army has observed the presence of two Russian warships and a submarine. Similar actions against the Russian armed forces of the Finnish research vessel Aranda already occurred between August and September 2014 years.

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