Rafal Markowski Bishop presides mass in Warsaw Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in the Old Town , photo:
X Sanctity of Life march set off from Castle Square. The participants walked through the streets of the capital to St. Peter’s Basilica. Cross. On the banners they carried with them, you could read the slogan: “Every child is a miracle”, “Right to life – a human right”. Chanted a password in the defense of the unborn and prayed for families.
Prof. Bogdan Chazan, who walked in the procession, pointed out that the data shows that a growing number of legal abortions. In his opinion, the cause of this phenomenon is the consent for abortion of fetuses with severe genetic defects, prenatal dissemination that allow them to detect, and the increasing use of in vitro. According to Professor doctors refusing abortion because of the so-called. “Conscience clause” are increasingly being harassed.
Events Participants greeted Pope Francis. – Connecting with the participants of the March Sanctity of Life, which takes place in Warsaw, encouraging to always defended and supported human life – the Holy Father said the Regina Coeli prayer south.
“The Church will not passively watched”
preceding mass march in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in the Old Town, Bishop Raphael Markowski referred to the recent debate regarding the need to regulate the procedure in vitro. Recalling – without naming names – saying that “one of the most important politicians in the country,” which asked “who gave the bishops the right to
Cleric stressed that the Church “will not passively watched regulation and will take part in the debates.”
“March Sanctity of Life is a demonstration in defense of the right to life of every human being, regardless of whether or not it is born. The Constitution says that the Republic of Poland shall ensure the legal protection of every human life, but when As for the unborn, the ruling will be guided by ideology + compromise abortion than the constitution – we read on the march organizers marszprolife.net.pl.
march name refers to the Sanctity of Life Day, celebrated on March 25 – the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. The Church in Poland established a day in response to the call of Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium included Vitae in 1995, was announced on March 25.
IAR, PAP, kk

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