Monday, April 27, 2015

A breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer? “You will be able to save the life … –

Yesterday, April 27 (21:56)

from Szczecin scientists have discovered a gene whose mutation is responsible for the of breast cancer. According to their estimates, the carriers of the gene REC QL 15,000 Polish women.

Professor Jan Lubinski and Professor Cezary Cybulski from the Department of Genetics and Pathology of the Pomeranian Medical University of Szczecin and his team have discovered a new gene responsible for breast cancer in women

/ Marcin Bielecki / PAP

The chances are that the Cancer pain can be prevented. All thanks to the discovery of researchers from the University of Toronto. Canadians, along with researchers from the US and the UK to understand the mechanism of this pain have discovered why some tumors are more painful than others. They write about … read more

He says Szczecin geneticist, Professor. Jan Lubinski, study, conducted simultaneously in Canada, confirmed that the

mutated gene is a ticking time bomb.

At least once every other woman out of those that have the mutated gene will be sick. Thanks to this discovery and developed on the basis of DNA tests will be able to save the lives of many, many women around the world – emphasizes prof. Lubin.

Treatment of gene carriers REC QL has to be easier than treating women with BRCA gene detected previously-1. According to the researchers, it is enough that they will likely be studied.


This article is excerpted from the category: Science


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