Monday, April 27, 2015

Mutation of this gene causes breast cancer? The discovery, for which beat … – TVN24

Video: Facts TVN U gene mutation RECQL risk of Breast cancer is increased fivefold

Polish and Canadian researchers have discovered a new gene mutation, which may cause breast cancer. Women who have it, are much more vulnerable to cancer. With doctors from Szczecin was he just traced. Material “Facts” TVN.

Chest feminine lies ahead for researchers fewer secrets. Now also thanks to the research of two geneticists from the Pomeranian Medical University.

Aware …

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Doctors from Szczecin together with their colleagues from Canada was described in the magazine “Nature Genetics” his discovery: it is a gene called RECQUL. His mutations can cause breast cancer.

– If you ask me how much I have published in “Nature Genetics”, it still would have to say: zero. From today I can say one. This is a huge success. It is one of the best medical journal – has a prof. Cezary Cybulski.

A unique chance

They should also enjoy the patient, because in Szczecin are ready test for the detection of mutations RECQUL.

– This is a unique opportunity for the 15 thousands of women in our country who are carriers of the mutated gene, and many thousands of women worldwide. Without it, they would not have control of optimal driving – said prof. Jan Lubinski.

One of the women who were able to detect the mutation RECQUL, a medical student from the Pomeranian Medical University. Doctors accidentally found during the course of the test gene. – No, I certainly did not get sick, I only have the predisposition that I get sick – says the student.

The risk increases fivefold

Risk breast cancer gene mutation RECQUL increased five-fold. Such mutations of genes responsible for breast cancer, we already know, there is more. These include, among others BRCA1. This is, for example, Angelina Jolie, which is the reason why she gave up surgery to remove both breasts. Fortunately RECQUL women will not have to undergo similar preventive treatments.

– This is not a rapidly growing tumors in BRCA1 u like Jolie, these are normal breast cancers that have a better prognosis – explains Cybulski.

The Poles managed to discover a new gene responsible for breast cancer due to a huge database – in its register to DNA information about 15 thousands of women who develop this type of cancer.

Author: eos // plw / Source: Fakty

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