Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sales of iPhones in China higher than in the US – AppleCenter.pl


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Reuters reports that sales of iPhones in China in the last quarter was higher than in the United States.

overtake the United States in the Apple smartphone sales for the Middle Kingdom was predicted by analysts. From quarter to quarter difference in favor of the United States decreased and this situation was only a matter of time. Following the publication of the financial report, Apple found that this time there was just now. Reuters writes:


Apple, for the first time in history, more iPhones sold in China than in the United States [...] in the last quarter iPhone sales in China increased by 71%, and income from this account was 16.8 billion dollars [...] probably helped very much in the celebration of Chinese New Year and buying gifts for the occasion

Tim Cook said recently that the majority of revenue the Apple phone sales generate China, but also noted that the amount sent there Mac is unbelievable and increased by 31% compared to the previous year. As for the distribution of products in other countries, the iPhone is made in China some kind of “bait” that convinces the client to the ecosystem, so that the latter decides to purchase other equipment marked with the logo brand of Cupertino.

Cook confessed that the company’s revenue from Chinese AppStore doubled in the past 12 months, and into the hands of developers in this country went $ 5 billion. Apple CEO confirmed that the company wants to expand retail network in China and, therefore, to the middle of next year there will be 40 stores Apple Store (at the moment there are 21).


 Dariusz Sztaba

Sympathizer and Apple technology you looking broadly and distance. Infects not only the “virus” brand of Coupertino but also a smile and cheerfulness. In her leisure time physical activity, family and powerful sound with his beloved music.



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