After 17 years we could see a very striking phenomenon Poland. For us, “covering Aldebaran”. The effect was as if a star appeared and disappeared, winking at the edge of the moon. On the Contact 24 get photos that you managed to capture this extraordinary spectacle. Looking forward to more!

as the moon with an asterisk is playing hide and seek … Author: JUREKWIN
Residents of
– Aldebaran will disappear for individual hills on the moon, and the moon appeared in the valleys – told before this event, Charles Wojcicki Copernicus Science Center.
Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus and one of the brightest stars in the sky, emitting a characteristic red glow.
– Moon moving around the Earth once in a while overshadowing different stars. It happens every night. As a rule, however, the stars are quite weak, which cover can be observed through a telescope or binoculars. However, there are four bright stars that can be covered by the Moon and its cover are visible to the naked eye. One of them is Aldebaran – Wojcicki said.
The most effective covering of Aldebaran will be at the end of the year – December 23.
We are waiting for your photos. If you have managed to capture the “cover Aldebaran” send them to contact 24.

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