The network debuts a new service offering legal advice. was created by Przemysław Pajak, one of the most famous Polish bloggers technology founder and Jacob Kralka, lawyer and founder of the blog set itself two main objectives: the dissemination of knowledge of the law and the changes taking place in the legal services market and the sale of legal services.
The impetus for the creation of a new website has been considerable interest in the blog – New Technology Law – arose from the need to popularize basic knowledge of copyright law is always problematic. It soon turned out that affordable writing about almost acts not only as educational, but also provides the driving force for the reader to order legal services. In decided to use this experience. This time, however, hired lawyers specializing in different areas of the law and with the support of our bloggers will try to help Internet users among in the field of consumer rights, employment, family, or even tax so narrow and specific fields of medical law. – Explains Kralka, founder of the site.
How does
With Bezprawnikiem cooperates with several lawyers from Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz and smaller Polish cities. Created the legal team that fairly, inexpensively and without having to leave home (or early dismissal from work) to provide advice to the extent necessary, prepare a letter or expert opinion.
You can get advice service in two ways – at the beginning we view the entries appear. Perhaps którychś of them proves to be the answer to our problem. If it is not, if someone needs help in a particular case, you may ask a new question (using the panel on the right side).
The team performs valuation and if the customer chooses to accept it, is the amount of the final. Twócy argue that – contrary to popular opinion – legal advice in the simplest case does not have to be expensive.
– We want to participate in the transformation and development of the legal industry, which already sees a number of disadvantages of their unavailability. In
Polish law full of traps?
It should familiarize themselves with the legal advice, because it increases the awareness of our rights. Polish consumers often too fast “forgiven” for banks, mobile operators and other companies. This is often due to the ignorance of the law and procedures. It should also be familiar with their responsibilities under the legal procedures, it helps to avoid various types of traps, which in Polish law is missing. “Thanks” to this popularity of legal services such as is really large.

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