Sunday, May 31, 2015

Leaked Windows 10 OEM price: 109,99 dollars. for Home, 149.99 dollars … –

The OEM version of Windows is designed to be installed by manufacturers on new PCs. Information about pricing of Windows 10 in this version have been revealed by the launch platform expected this summer. online store. He offered the opportunity to purchase the software for pre.

The list price of Windows 10 OEM version of Home will cost 109.99 dollars., While the price of variety Professional is 149.99 dollars. According to information available on the website delivery system in pre-purchased will be carried out on August 31 this year.

given by amounts indicate that Windows 10 OEM is expensive in both offered versions for $ 10. compared with the same version of Windows 8 when placing it on the market in 2012.

At the moment there is no information about how the money will be shaped windows 10 for sale to end-users. However, they are usually higher than the OEM versions. Microsoft said earlier that Windows 10 will be available as a free update for all users of Windows 7 and 8.1 (for more on this). However, later he verified this information, stating that the full edition of Windows 10 will be able to install only the holders of legitimate copies of previous versions. Owners pirated copies of Windows after updating to

version 10 will see special logo and receive notifications of use of the illegal copy of Windows.

According to the plans free update to Windows 10 will be covered only three versions – Home, Professional and Mobile. In total on the market is to occur 7 different varieties of Microsoft’s new system (see details).

Author: ps

More information Windows 10, Windows, Microsoft


Netflix introduced a Polish subtitles –

In Poland, for a long time there are various VOD but they are very limited and offer a small selection of materials. Quite different is the case of American Netfliksa, which is famous for its high-quality content authoring, good prices and a huge catalog of films and TV series. Sorry, this service is not officially available in Poland and the need to use some tricks to use it, but it’s possible that soon that will change.

The entrance Polish Netfliksa to speak for a long time, but still lacks specifics on this. According to the announcement, the service will be globally available until 2017, but Polish moviegoers are hoping, however, they will not have to wait that long. Of course, even when this occurs, the library service will surely be poorer than the catalog available in the US, but it’s better than nothing. It is possible that soon Internet requests will be met, because that appeared in Netfliksie Polish subtitles.

Initially it was thought that they are limited to only one position, but users quickly started to report on subsequent titles that can be viewed with signatures in our native language. Now, however, it is only eight films, serials and concerts, but it’s possible that soon this list will be expanded to include more items, especially that Netflix

recently looking for new translators, including the Poles. It is also interesting that, in parallel with the addition of Polish inscriptions released a new subpage service, which is available at Unfortunately, there is only on it for serving information users living in Polish, but it’s possible that this is a harbinger of further changes.


Takes flight Solar Impulse 2. The aircraft is powered by solar energy … – Poland The Times

According to the BBC, solar-powered plane flew on Saturday evening time with the Polish city of Nanjing in eastern China. After five or six days of flight over the Pacific Ocean and the defeat of 8000 km, the engine gets to Hawaii. During the flight over the ocean – the most difficult stage podróżu – the machine will fly the 62-year-old Andre Borschberg.

The legendary, the first such flight is accompanied by the originator and co-pilot Bertrand Piccard.

Borschberg while traveling over the Pacific Ocean will try to remain conscious, allowing himself only for short naps. As the BBC notes, flight will be constantly monitored by experts at the headquarters in Monaco, which will include the Swiss informed about weather conditions.

Lot 2 aircraft Solar Impulse launched on 9 March in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. During the trip, however, you were required longer, lasting over a month break due to adverse weather conditions. Pilots dolecieli to China on April 21, where it flew until Saturday. According to the BBC, if during the initial phase of flight over the Pacific Ocean pilots encounter difficulties, will be able to go back to China or Japan, then there is no such possibility, however. The plane can not get close to the water also because of the risk of electric shock. Solar Impulse 2, which will travel a total distance of 35,000 km in length, has already flown over Oman, India and Burma.

Innovative Solar Impulse 2 is a single-seat, four-engine plane that wingspan, is as the greatest model of Boeing – according to The Times. Weighing 2.3 tons machine is powered by renewable

energy solar radiation during the day which focus solar panels. On the night of the machine – thanks to remaining at a certain height – draws from the force of gravity and moves smoothly until dawn. As reported by The Times, if the pilots will succeed and did not break trip, their cruise will go into the history of aviation, inter alia, the first flight powered only by solar energy, without a single drop of fuel consumption. As Piccard said, he believes that in the near future, aviation will use only renewable energy. The idea of ​​holding a solar-powered trip is the brainchild of Bertrand Piccard 14 years ago, and its implementation has already cost him $ 150 million – according to The Times.


Jeans as smarftony. Google and Levi’s work on “smart … – TVN24 Business and World

Technology giant Google and clothing manufacturer Levi’s join forces to create a digital clothing. Literally it comes to “smarty pants” (smart trousers) – writes CNN Money.

As we read technology group ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) working

on a fabric that will be able to feel and communicate touch. As a result, there is seamlessly combined with a smartphone.

Special materials

Thanks to the special yarn and panels multitouch normal clothes may swap an interactive device – it reads.

Before you can with one hand (eg. by moving his hand over his pants pocket), mute the phone or hitting a finger start playing the song.

ZR & oacute; DLO: Experts. Medi & oacute; in social indicate a need to change the network profile

Despite a significant increase in the number of monthly Twitter users reported weaker … see more »

The project, which is called “Project Jacquard” was officially announced by Google on Friday.

The first official partner of Google was Levi’s. Two others have also started designing and experimenting with intelligent clothing.

None of the companies has not yet announced when the clothes will be available on the market. Although the head of product innovation in Levi’sie stressed that the project will be “quick and enjoyable.”

The idea has already been

CNN Money notes that it is not the first time when companies are trying to capitalize on the mass production of conductive material. However, Google thinks on this issue on a global scale.

The clothing industry in the world produces 19 million garments annually – 150 times more than the industry related to mobile telephony. – We can not expect that the global fashion industry will change for us, although we Google. It is we who have to adapt to the textile industry – said Ivan Poupyrev with Google.

ATAP Group is working on producing the so-strength yarn that can withstand industrial weaving process, but will also look good. The cooperation includes m. Al. Companies from Japan – it reads.


Marches for Life and Family – have to go in 140 cities – Virtual Poland

The streets of Polish cities will go Marches for Life and Family. This year there are 140. The organizers promise that this will be a great family holiday.

– This time, we go under the motto “Family – Community – Poland” – says Yaroslav Kniołek IAR Foundation Initiatives Support Centre for Life and Family, one of the organizers of the march in Warsaw.

This year, the initiators want to draw attention to the problem of good upbringing and education of children – for they are responsible parents, and the school should support them. In this context, Jaroslaw Kniołek also talks about prominent figures promoted in Poland, which do not always encourage what is best.

The Marches is a manifestation of devotion to family values ​​and respect for human life from conception to natural death. Therefore, the organizers want to, inter alia, to collect signatures for a petition calling for the withdrawal of the marketing authorization of tablets, “the day after” the 15-year olds. They intend to remind the ruling that the family is an institution of special and you can not replace it; You should therefore have appropriate prestige and authority care.

Residents of the capital are invited at noon in front of the monument of Nicolaus Copernicus at the Krakow suburb. From there,
they go to the street Karowa, further Browarna Casimir Park. Family Picnic is planned there. The program includes numerous games and competitions for children. We also get clothes for their children. Marchers will be accompanied by the orchestra Czestochowa Pipes and Drums playing the Scottish bagpipes.

Warsaw march will go for the tenth time. Other cities have a shorter tradition or just starting out. On the streets they come out, among others, the family from Lublin, Krakow and Wroclaw.


“Family – Community – Poland”: For the Polish city go … –

This time we go under the motto “Family – Community – Poland” – says Yaroslav Kniołek IAR Foundation Initiatives Support Centre for Life and Family – one of the organizers of the march in Warsaw.

In this the initiators want to draw attention to the problem of good upbringing and education of children. For that they correspond to the parents and the school should support them. In this context, Jaroslaw Kniołek also talks about prominent figures promoted in Poland, which do not always encourage what is best.

The Marches is a manifestation of devotion to family values ​​and respect for human life from its conception to natural death. Therefore, the organizers want to, inter alia, to collect signatures for a petition calling for the withdrawal of the marketing authorization of pills “day after” 15 year olds. They intend to remind the ruling that the family is an institution of special and you can not replace it. It should therefore have appropriate prestige and authority care.

Residents of the capital are invited at noon in front of the monument of Nicolaus Copernicus at the Krakow suburb. From there, they go to the street Karowa, further Browarna Casimir Park. Family Picnic is planned there. The program includes

numerous games and competitions for children. We also get clothes for their children. Marchers will be accompanied by the orchestra Czestochowa Pipes and Drums playing the Scottish bagpipes.

Warsaw march will go for the tenth time. Other cities have a shorter tradition or just starting out. Today, the streets come out, among others, the family from Lublin, Krakow and Wroclaw.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Google lost in New Mexico, powered drone … – PC World

Bloomberg reports that Google has lost one of the drones in
 During the tests carried out in New Mexico. To
 the unfortunate accident occurred in the area of ​​research outside of Albuquerque.
 Dron, which was powered by solar energy, located
 at an altitude of about 20,000 feet suddenly began to fall
 eventually crashed . Fortunately, in an accident
 Device nobody was hurt. The accident occurred on May 1.

1.jpg Solara 50. Drones, which has created Titan

It was one of the drones in the project Solara 50, which
 prepared by the company Titan Aerospace . Google
 It took it over last year. It is one of two projects of the company with
 Mountain View, under the initiative of the Internet in the sky. The second is
 Loon Project, which uses balloons.

Google in this way wants to fight with Facebook and its similar
 ideas in cooperation with It is worth noting that Mark
 Zuckerberg last year also was interested in taking over
 Titan Aerospace.


  Drones – unusual use of flying

Source: TNW


Powerful earthquake in Japan. Close to 8 degrees on the Richter scale –

The epicenter of the shock was near the island of Chichi-jima, 870 km south of Tokyo . Quake was so strong that – despite the distance – in the capital Japan swayed buildings and joined alarms.

It was announced warnings Tsunami . Of Tokyo Narita Airport is operating normally, temporarily halted while speed trains plying Tokyo – Osaka.

The volcanic archipelago Ogasawara is a barrier that separates the Philippine Sea from the Pacific Ocean. It is inhabited by less than 3,000 people.

SEE ALSO: Another strong earthquake in Nepal! Swayed buildings & gt; & gt; & gt;

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Japan. Powerful EARTHQUAKE! Nearly 8 degrees on the Richter scale –

05.30.2015, hours. 18:00 / update 05.30.2015, hours. 16:57
photo: EAST NEWS

A powerful earthquake struck Japan again. Shock strength of 7.8 on the Richter scale was recorded in the Ogasawara Islands region. The epicenter of the tremors was located at a depth of 590 km in the area belonging to the Japan archipelago of volcanic islands. The Japanese Meteorological Institute reported that there is no danger of tsunami waves. The quake caused no direct damage in Japan.

Japan again strong earthquake struck. The epicenter of the shock was located near the island of Chichi-jima, located 870 kilometers south of Tokyo. The quake was so powerful that despite the huge distance in the Japanese capital swayed buildings and joined alarms. There have been 7.8 on the Richter scale! In 2011, when a tsunami caused by an earthquake damaged a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, causing the most expensive natural disaster in history, the shock was the strength of 9 degrees Richter. The Japanese meteorological institute said that this time there is no danger of tsunami waves. The earthquake did not cause it any damage in Japan. Did not cause power outages, airport in Tokyo also operating normally. Traffic was halted only high-speed trains between Tokyo and Osaka. Ogasawara volcanic archipelago separates the Philippine Sea from the Pacific Ocean.


See: Pole in Nepal about the earthquake: it was hell on earth


 ESA / IRAP / CNES / TU Delft / HTG / Planetary Visions




AMD refreshed Kaveri. Set for 1000 zł with a new A10-7870K … – dobreprogramy

Thinking about building a budget gaming computer they got from AMD
 a new and interesting option – A10-7870K processor. That’s right, no
 You will find in the middle of having to compete with Intel Core Zen,
 or you do not get to energy efficiency at the level of those
 promised for the second half of the year Carizzo chips. You will get a
 This is one chip with integrated graphics, where you can play
 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive of more than 60 frames per second
 FullHD resolution. Let’s take a closer look a gem that
 It raised the possibility of integrated graphics to a level yet
 recently reserved for independent graphics cards.

The appearance of the chip in such numbering had many by surprise,
 we expected to have processors with “an eight” at the beginning
 number of models, the
 Godavari, Kaveri successors lines shown during
 this year’s CES. We got a new processor is still
 Kaveri, just a little refreshed, upgraded version of the flagship
 So far A10-7850K.

Made in the 28 nm fit into a standard wall outlet
 FM2 + system A10-7870K, from the CPU practically contributes nothing.
 We get four Steamroller cores with 4MB of L2 cache and
 dual-channel DDR3-2133 memory controller. Overclocked only
 clocks, from 3.7 GHz to 3.9 GHz (and from 4.0 GHz to 4.1 GHz mode
 Turbo). The difference in performance will, however remote, first
 tests say about 3-5% better results in benchmarks.

The GPU is the same as in the previous model, the eight units
 computing Radeon R7. However, they failed to turn up significantly
 timing, from 720 MHz to 866 MHz. In this way, the AMD has in its
 portfolio of the most efficient integrated graphics on the market, which is
 able to ensure smooth gameplay in recent games even in
 FullHD resolution and high detail settings.
 The games test results confirm this: StarCraft II -
 35 FPS 5v5 League of Legends – 89 FPS, DOTA 2 – 49 FPS and
 said CS: GO – 62 FPS. What is particularly important, although
 turn up the clock, maintained the same TDP as the A10-7850K, ie.
 95 W. Even better results for games should get written under the
 Mantle API, DirectX 12 and Vulkan.

Of course, these results will depend used in
 computer memory, because it is the RAM, used
 by integrated graphics as VRAM, there is a bottleneck.
 Dirt Rally racer with a single memory clocked ankle
 1600MHz is able to get in FullHD only frustrating 20 FPS.
 Using two bones (Dual Channel) clocked at 1866 MHz get
 However, 36 FPS. Interestingly, this is probably the best choice, because
 reaching for the fastest two bones 2400 MHz does not give them such a
 increase productivity, get 40 FPS with them.

AMD claims that their new APU wins with Intel Core i3
 zestawionym with independent NVIDIA GeForce

GT 740 – and results
 benchmarks confirm this. Great pride is not, GT
 740 is a card with the weakest green cards, but not in this thing.
 Consider the question of the profitability of such a solution.
 The Reds have valued their new APUs officially at $ 137, but
 if you want to buy them now, you Newegg
 pay $ 150, or approx. 570 zł. For this inexpensive doliczmy
 FM2 + motherboard, for example. ASRock FM2A58M in the price of approx. 160 zł and two
 Cube 4 GB RAM 1866 MHz (eg. Polish Goodram DDR3 Play) for approx. 310
 zł. Altogether it is costing us a set of 1040 zł, and as someone
 stubborn, it’s come down with the price below $ 1,000.

And as is the case with this set of competitors? Behind the cheapest
 haswellowe Core i3 (4130) will cost approx. 500 zł. Tania motherboard
 with socket 1150 for example. ASRock H81M costs approx. 160 zł. The cheapest
 GeForce GT 740 with 1 GB of RAM from Palit is approx. 320 zł. To this
 RAM, may be weaker than in the set of AMD (eg. For 1600 MHz), let’s count
 his 250 zł. The total price of the kit – a minimum of 1230 zł.

As you can see, for a player with a snake in his pocket, the new AMD APU
 a really attractive offer – at least 20% lower
 at the expense can build a gaming PC that will average 25%
 more efficient in games. Prices and performance but do not give full
 the image of the case. It must be remembered that the new Kaveri supports open solution FreeSync,
 whereby on the monitors are compatible with the image will be
 noticeably smoother, there will be a tearing by
 desynchronized layout and screen. Such monitors are
 much cheaper (even for a few hundred dollars) monitors
 serving similar proprietary solution G-Sync
 Nvidia. It should also be noted that a computer with APU will also be quieter in one wentylatorek on two APU is not on the CPU and GPU.

Soon we will show you in practice, such as APU works
 as domestic gaming machine. In Polish stores these chips
 is not yet, but they should appear in a few days.


Mystery solved holes in cheese –

  Photo: Shutterstock
  Mystery solved holes in the cheese

It turned out that hole created through microscopic particles of hay pouring into the milk during milking.

In Thursday’s statement Agroscope’u says that with the the disappearance of traditional milking buckets to open, in the usual stalls, and their replacement by a fully automated industrial production lines disappear holes in the cheese.

The researchers conducted a series of tests by adding various amounts of dust from the hay for milk, and it turned out that from just depends on the number of holes in the finished product. It is these particles trigger hay during fermentation gas, which forms a famous holes in the cheese.

In order to verify the hypothesis that it’s getting skrupulatniejsza

hygiene kills holes in the cheese, the researchers watched by 130 days the formation of holes, using for this purpose radiological equipment, and computer tomography.

Explanation of secrecy was obtained by chance, as it usually happens with great discoveries – Agroscope’u spokesman said.

Cheese for the Swiss, who have developed dairy farming, this is serious. In 2014 years the average consumption per capita cheese in Switzerland amounted to 21.3 kg. Two-thirds of the amount were consumed Swiss cheeses.


Volkswagen Tiguan – new engines and equipment –

Volkswagen Tiguan with the new model year will gain more powerful engines. The existing engine with 140 hp will now have 110 150 KM, and the unit with a capacity of 177 hp will receive 184 hp. All engines of the Tiguan meet the Euro 6 emission standard.

When it comes to accessories, all of their radio systems are replaced by new – Composition Colour and Composition media (eg with a color touchscreen, eight speakers and the possibility of connecting – in different ways – external devices). For refreshed Tiguan is also available radio-navigation system of Discover Media, equipped as standard feature Guide & amp; Inform, ie Internet service package prepared by Volkswagen.

Composition Media and Discover The media can also be equipped (optional) App Connect feature, available soon on the market Polish. Moreover, the system can be optionally extended with the Media Control. By its means, using the appropriate application, you can remotely control various functions using the tablet. As a result, people at the back of the couch may, for example. Retrieve data from

navigation, or change the radio station, without disturbing the driver.


Oort. Polish company awarded in the US – Virtual Poland

  Polish start-up Oort was named one of the top three Smart Home solutions in the world. The company appreciated the Gartner, an American company analysis and consulting, which is one
 of the global leaders in the technology industry, the elite group of the three most interesting Smart Home systems in the world.

 Oort is a technology that allows you to manage the entire home through a single application. Thanks to it, you can use any smartphone .: control light, all devices connected to the power supply, and even odnajdywać lost items. The openness of the system makes it easy to create dependencies between devices. With a few clicks, we can therefore make after entering the house will turn on the lights, start playing our favorite music, and microwave oven heats food.

 Start-up created to solve our daily problems: odnajdywać things that every day we lose, fight for us light, secure before leaving irons or inform enabled when the children come alone from home. This technology is available to everyone. Just smartphone and selected smart device, whose prices starting from just a few dozen gold and are available in selected stores (eg. ISpot).

 Oort also acts on the institutional market, where it supports consumer electronics manufacturers change their existing devices into smart. Business partners receive comprehensive solution that includes software and hardware, so you can deploy a new solution to the market in 6 to 9 months.

 Gartner chose to highlight the Oort for three reasons. First, it recognizes the user-friendliness solution and its versatility. Oort SmartHub, the heart of the system, automatically detects all compatible devices with Bluetooth technology, which is based Oort and allows you to create between them depending, for example. If you turn on the light in the bathroom, turn off the radio in the kitchen. Secondly, it highlights the minimalist design. All available devices: these intelligent, light bulbs, sockets, locators or hubs are maintained in a single, industrial convention. Thirdly, indicated the ability to learn the system and adapting to user habits.

  Hub will become more intelligent, anticipating future user actions. For example, recognize when you wake up (thanks to intelligent band) and automatically start the coffee – explains Pete Basiliere, Research Director at Gartner, Inc.
 In comparison beyond the Oort was also WINK belonging to the American giant General Electric and the Swiss company digitalSTROM.

 Oort is an international company operating in the Internet of Things. It offers the technology to control all the devices in your home or office using a smartphone. It works on the consumer market, providing innovative SmartHome system, as well as institutional, where it allows manufacturers to change their existing devices into smart, and provide dedicated IoT systems.

 The company has won numerous international awards, .: finalist Bluetooth Breakthrough Awards, and winner of the Envisioneering Innovation and Design Award as part of the CES 2015 or won awards granted under ORANGE FAB.


Lenovo ThinkPad 10 for business applications – Virtual Poland

 Lenovo announced at the conference Tech World new Lenovo ThinkPad 10. This business tablet comes with a pen ThinkPad Pen Pro and data protection with business-class security.

 The ThinkPad 10 will run under Windows 10. It also features a screen resolution of 1900 x 1200 pixels and a diagonal of 10.1 inches, with 10-puktowym multitouch. It is covered with Gorilla Glass glass 3. The heart of the device is a quad-core processor. Depending on the version – Intel Atom Z8500 or Z8700. Also, depending on the variant, it is equipped with 2 or 4 GB of RAM and 64 or 128 GB built-in memory. Internet connectivity will provide Wi-Fi, will also be available version equipped with LTE. For this main camera with a resolution of 5 megapixels with autofocus and stereo speakers for a power of 1 W in conjunction with the Realtek ALC5672 sound. For the power supply is a lithium-polymer battery with a capacity of 32 Wh, which is to allow for 10 hours of continuous operation.

 Tablet dTPM provides optional encryption, fingerprint reader and smart card reader. Lenovo offers users the tablet support and technical assistance to business class, including custom models, marking, laser engraving, priority technical support, imaging system and other services.

 The ThinkPad 10 will be available worldwide from August 2015 price of $ 549.


Friday, May 29, 2015

Russian hacker stole 600 thousand. passwords to PayPal. Among the offerings are … – News 24

A hacker stole from Siberia logins and passwords up to 600 thousand. PayPal accounts. Among the victims of hackers are also Poles.

 / Fig. CC0 Public Domain The hacker was arrested in Russia. Its activities informed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Krasnoyarsk Territory. 3 years ago cybercriminal he founded several sites that served him to extort login to PayPal.

Using the stolen data hacker effected transactions via PayPal. Interpol and the Russian Federal Security Service is looking for victims of criminals.

PayPal is a company that offers a simple system of online payments. Cofounder in 1998. Company is Elon Musk – the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors.

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