Friday, May 29, 2015

Google I / O 2015: New application to the gallery “Google Photos”. Places … –

In San Francisco, where the conference Google I / O is Joanna Sosnowska of our editors, Google presents a new application to manage your photos and videos. Google Photos introduces several innovations that will allow for much faster searching images and share them more easily. The Google seems to be extremely intelligent and intuitive.

All in one place

Google Photos will gather in one place pictures of all our devices. Today, a single picture takes a few megabytes, so Google decided to grant users … unlimited space for photos and videos. We just have to follow two rules – pictures can not have a resolution higher than 16 megapixels, and videos can be at a resolution no higher than Full HD. But it is not a serious limitation, because the size of guarantees was still very good quality.

The giant bank photo can be easily linked to Facebook, share content through cloud or application.

Order in Photos

Google decided to solve one of the major problems that we encounter when we do a lot of photos. It’s about sorting and searching. For example, if you activate someone’s face, Google will search us all the photographs in which this person is. Only this feature shows how sophisticated tools provide us Google. A few years ago it would be impossible.

​​Search object & # XF3; the Fig. Google


The same algorithms allow ‘themselves’ to organize our pictures in the group. Google Photos recognizes done so photos in one place, one person photos, pictures of the same objects as such. Flowers.

Easy Search

Google Photos will also use the location data. The application will allow you to enter text query, for example. “Photos of London.”

Creating animations and collages

Google Photos allows you to create with our pictures and video short animations or collages. There we have many kinds of effects. In Photos will be also known for Google+ photo editor that allows the instant way to change the contrast, improve sharpness, brightness and colors.

Google Photos will also enable merging multiple photos – such. Panoramic – in one, constituting the whole picture.

Google Photos allows for example to create

stop-motion animation – individual photos “mend” in the movie. The recordings will assemble and edit while obtaining a professional looking movie.

More intuitive interface

Google Photos would also enable easier selection of photos. Instead of clicking one by one, one by one we can single gesture, “circle” images on the screen. Sending a whole sets of photographs will be so much more convenient.

On Android and iOS

The Google Photos will be available today at night on Android and iOS, as well as on the computer. It’s free. Access to the images we have at .

Android Photos is an important application as it introduces many important novelties. Unlimited space for photos and videos will finally keep everything in one place. Easier sharing photos and creating animations simplified, intuitive improving materials, make the Google Photos is likely to be comprehensive and versatile tool.

The new tool can become a standard for storing and editing mobile photos. Putting it well on iOS is a clear blow a cloud of Apple, which from the beginning is the product rather niewydarzonym. Many of the features of the Google Photos was known iOS users of iPhoto (currently Pictures), but there always lacked a reasonable function of backup in the cloud.

Unlimited space, convenient search and editing, and full integration with Android makes Google Photos has a chance to dominate the market. Nor is it a coincidence that Google provides your application just before the start of the holiday season.

Google Photos – Android
Google Images – iOS


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