Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spotify provides video and new services. It VOD, for which we are waiting! – Gadzeto Mania

Not only music, but also video content. The new offer Spotify, enriched with sophisticated recommendation system and service for runners seems really interesting proposition.

Do not just music!

Spotify is no longer only a musical service. At the last conference, the company introduced a large number of news. The most interesting seems to me Spotify Now, not without reason, referring to a similar service called Google. In the embodiment of Spotify is supposed to be new system of recommendation , taking into account the time of day and the user’s preferences.

Not bad looks Running also a new feature, designed for runners. The application has detect the user’s pace and adjust to it actually played music. It sounds pretty good, although it seems to me a little strange – when the errors and distortions years I happened to run, the music served rather to impart momentum, and not vice versa. Well, but perhaps in Spotify know better.

The most important information, however, is that the Swedish company has no intention to stop at the music! Spotify has decided to end with a musical specialization and will offer podcasts and video content , supplied among others ABC, BBC, Comedy Central, ESPN, NBC and Vice Media.

Fear of Apple forced conversion

From a business point of view, changes in Spotify seem to escape forward – not enough that music streaming market began to take up more and more crowded, it is the entire industry can be seen sinister shadow in the shape of a gnawed apple . It seems likely that when Apple finally provide its streaming service, for all the rest will be swept.

The Cupertino company does not necessarily win once the largest number of users, but will do what for years he does best – suck from the market of those who are counting, that is, those who pay . All the rest does not matter much, as clearly evidenced in trouble Spotify – despite the undeniable success, years on the market and tens of millions of customers Spotify so far not profitable.

For such a Spotify waited

As befits an old Zgred, Spotify is my addition – I save up streaming, you do not want me to have fun with physical carriers or poke in the collection for locally stored. If one day service simply disappeared, rather it would not be a big problem for me .

It is possible that soon that will change . Of course, if the service available in the United States, Britain, Germany and Sweden to reach the end of the fourth country in the world somewhere in the distant mainland, ie between the Bug and Odra (for now get running, the rest we have to wait).

Because the changes introduced by Spotify is – do not be afraid of the sometimes overused word – a real revolution. Online musician is trying to transform itself into a multimedia platform and in fact it is nothing more than a struggle for its own ecosystem (the word also is

overused, but what to replace them?). It’s a wise move.

The power of the ecosystem

The single service has to compete with other similar. Without much trouble, you can replace it with a better alternative – from the point of view of the user does not matter , and currently serves him hear music Spotify, Deezer, Tidal or something else.

What else ecosystem. I wrote about it once in the article “War of the Worlds, that we are all prisoners of the ecosystem” – abandon the complementary, perfectly matched and cooperating services is much more difficult. Often enough, that even when we find a better alternative , is stuck in an old ecosystem because of the convenience, habit, time-consuming change or invested funds which will be lost when you try to change service provider.

Spotify knows it. And before Apple Music deprive them of livelihood , tries to escape the ax, offering their own related services. Judging from the previews – it does so quite sensible and thoughtful. It is significant of the fact that the new services are to be available in the first place for users of iOS – Android may have most of the market, but – as mentioned earlier – count, those who pay.

Long live the competition!

What does this mean for us? It seems that a lot of good – sensible application for runners, the new recommendation system, and above all video content. I often see complaints about the lack of meaningful offer streaming (meaning: Netfliksie, we are waiting!) – It is possible that Spotify will be able to at least partially fill the existing on the Polish market niche.
With the music came to him quite well – legal tender undermines strongly piracy. There would also be films? Priced at an acceptable level of service Spotify can make a difference and undermine the occasion of the entry of illegal VOD services. It would be a change for the better , both for us and for the owners of copyright. So many years have we waited for Netfliksa – perhaps the expected change will bring us not American, but Swedish service?


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