Monday, May 18, 2015

Stephen Hawking warned: have a hundred years to prepare for it –

One of the guests Zeitgeist conference in London in 2015 was an outstanding physicist Stephen Hawking. During his speech, quoted by Techworld , he said that within the next hundred years, man ceases to be the most intelligent creature on Earth. It is to be artificial intelligence.

Computers thanks to artificial intelligence will overtake humans in a hundred years. We need to ensure that their objectives were consistent with our “- he said.

An outstanding scientist not the first time warned of the dangers that come from the development of artificial intelligence. At the beginning of this year, along with Elon Muskie and dozens of professionals working Google signed the appeal, whose main message is:

“Artificial intelligence has to do exactly what we want.”

jeszce earlier, in May of last year, Stephen Hawking warned against losing control on artificial intelligence. In his material published on the pages of The Independent warned:

You can imagine the technology that przechytrzyłaby financial markets, przerosłaby possibilities of human inventors, wywiodłaby in the field of world leaders and create a weapons that we will not even be able to understand. While short-term development of artificial intelligence depends on who controls it, in the long run, the question is whether artificial intelligence in general be controlled.
Therefore, in the face of unpredictable yet possible opportunities and threats the experts do what they can to achieve the best results, do not you? Wrong. If the overwhelming on us an alien civilization will send us a message: “You will arrive in a few decades,” answer: “Well, let me know when you arrive, you leave the door open”? Probably not, but to a lesser or greater
extent, just as we proceed with artificial intelligence. Potentially we are faced with something the best or the worst in the history of mankind. Few serious research is devoted to this issue. [...] Each of us should ask himself, what can be done when it comes to artificial intelligence to achieve the benefits while avoiding the dangers.

Is artificial intelligence is able too much?

It is difficult to answer this question, because Stephen Hawking warns against what computers will be able to for a hundred years. Today, artificial intelligence copes with the analysis of images and movies (though sometimes effects are downright comical ), predicting our behavior when shopping online, or Driving . The real test, however, will be entrusted with the decision about the life or health. Is artificial intelligence will ever decide to whom to give credit, what penalty to convict the accused, or who qualify for a transplant? Is vision machines that take this kind of decision to have the resources thousands of times more powerful than today scares you?


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