presented yesterday during the Google I / O a new application photos, at first, seemed ideal. New thought-out interface, search and above all free unlimited space for photos and videos – are the most important pros positive. As usual, it came out in the wash, however, several pluses negative. And Google Plus (s).
Let’s start from the beginning. Google are a big round of applause for making a new application properly immediately after yesterday’s conference. Applications for Android and iOS already appeared after a while, and a new web-based Google Photos installment had to wait until 23. After all, hats off. Everything works and is available in Polish.
Why disqualification?
After installing the application saw a nicely animated tutorial that showed me around the most important features and changes. Then came the time to decide. The application asks about the size of uploaded photos and videos. I have a choice of high quality with unlimited space or the original files, but is restricted to 17 GB shared with other files on Google Drive and Gmail.
In my head I turn on the red light, and as it turned out, rightly . A glance at the conditions of use of the application betrayed Google’s plan. Yes, every user gets unlimited space for photos with a resolution up to 16 megapixels and Full HD movies. Only that all materials are compressed! The original files are stored only in a limited (meaning: paid) plan.
For comparison, Flickr offers 1 TB of space videos and photos. The border between the unlimited place, and one terabyte is in practice illusory, because most users do not fill even a fraction of the space.
The difference between the two sites is, however, essential. Flickr in the free version does not compress materials, which confirmed a simple test. I threw the same image in full resolution, weighing 6.52 MB, on Flickr and Google Images. Then I downloaded this photo from both websites. The result? Photo from Flickr was still 6.52 MB and the image of the service, Google only 3.58 MB. Compression eats so almost half of the data! Flickr small downside is that it changes the file name when downloading images. Google Photos do not do that.
This does not mean, however, that Google does not have photos of pluses. On the contrary
New Apps Gallery are really great, both with the release of Android as well as iOS. Moreover, in the case of Android can choose folders to sync, so to Google Photos are automatically added screenshots, photos sent in Messenger, or those treated in VSCO. Not only that – synchronization work between systems, so we have a fantastic bridge between Android and iOS! However, one should honestly admit that Flickr applications also allow Interconnector sync.
As a result, my choice is the following – Photos Google are the perfect backup role all the photos on my phone (not just those with the camera). Comfortable viewing on your computer and the iPad is a really big advantage.
Only that compression makes the site Google will not store pictures taken with this “big” camera. That’s not why invest considerable amounts in good body and an even better lens to Google zjadało me a good half day quality! Selected photos from the “big” camera I will continue to synchronize with Flickr. I recommend you also, because even in the case of ordinary holiday pictures from compact, shame to lose detail and quality.
The strange
New in applications is really a lot. In a situation when the apps are free, it does not make sense for me to describe it – anyone interested can check them yourself. There are a few issues that need to be addressed.
After several minutes of fun with the application still does not figured Assistant. This is a new feature that tells you what you can do with your photos. Suggestions appear on cards similar to those of Google Now. Assistant may prompt to create a folder, collage, or to apply the effect.
incomprehensible to me are notified Assistant option that is enabled by default (thankfully you can turn it off!). The smartphone vibrates, and the pike, because Google Gallery app sends me notification that invented “a new stylized image”. One click can accept them. I do not understand criterion for selecting both images processing and the suggested effects. It looks very random and notifications are simply irritating.
In turn, the web-based edition is very similar to Google Photos intercourse with the application tablets. All interface elements are large and deployed in a manner characteristic for mobile applications. Most noticeable in the settings menu, where the switches are pulled alive from the Android Lollipop. Generally, you can see that your application is as simple as possible to use.
Before the launch of Google Images talked about the fact that it will be cut off from the site Google+. And actually – although at the beginning there were minor errors, it is ultimately the images do not synchronize with Google, regardless of whether they come from a mobile application or a Web. In turn, after selecting the “Photos” on Google are transferred to a new page and get the following information:
“Photos Google is the new home for your photos . Photos shared on Google+ remain part of your Google Profile +. “
This is a step in the right direction, because Google finally wants to make order with their photographic services. Nevertheless, it is still not perfect. We still have Google Drive, we albums in Google+, and finally we have a new Google Images. The autonomy of the latter is, however, clearly marked.

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