Thursday, May 21, 2015

TV hung on magnets – the future? Yes, but remote –

The agency Yonhap showed a prototype of LG. 55 inch OLED panel having only 0.97 millimeters in thickness and weight of 1.9 kg. At the show, the press manufacturer unveiled the amazing properties of this display by hanging it on the wall using magnets.

Trick? Surely not! Screens can really be so thin. For example, this year’s Sony X90C is the thinnest just 4.9 millimeters thick. And this is an LCD TV that requires an additional backlight. OLED technology, which has used in his presentation, LG, does not require such a supplement, so it may be even thinner. Presentations super-skinny OLEDów, so thin as to be flexible, we have already seen more than once.

LG showed eg. How to bend the 18-inch organic display.

Samsung now shuns OLED TVs, but also it is developing technology for smaller diagonal cells. On the market there are already phones with curved screens, and at CES 2013 showing panel manufacturer Youm flexible as paper.

One of the most impressive visual presentation screens showed five years ago Sony. OLED this producer was involved in a roll.

The truth is that making a super thin, even flexible OLED screen is not very big problem. Technology allows this for a long time. The real challenge is to do this on a massive scale and so that to make money.

Currently, OLED TVs only massively proposes LG. This year the company plans to sell them about 600 000, and in 2016 about 1.5 million. Not bad, although it’s still a drop in the sea of ​​warm crystals. According to the data service Statista, in 2014 the stores had left 223 million LCD TVs. LG is currently alone in popularizing OLEDów with large diagonals, so percent market share in flat panel television of this kind will grow slowly. It is true that other manufacturers already have prototypes ready, and even performing products OLED, but so far no one else has announced the release news in the diagonal 55 inches and larger.

Presentation of super-thin TV wieszanego on the

wall using a magnetic tape So for now only show the possibilities of technology and a vision, which seeks the manufacturer, but also the entire industry. The screens will be flexible, and TVs not only ultra-thin, but in the future perhaps even rolled into a roll. If not for practical reasons, it is economic. Why store and transport large, several meters boxes when you can thin and light rolls?

However, this is fairly distant future. In the coming years for sure, we will see the first mobile device with a truly flexible, and perhaps even collapsible screens like televisions however, we will have to wait.

Which of course does not change the fact that every prototype of this kind looks sensational and great imagination.

Simon Adamus


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