Thursday, May 28, 2015

A new species of early man – Polish Radio

                             - It’s a controversial issue, but also a very interesting addition to the current knowledge about our nation – said in a radio Jedynka Dr. Martyn Molak-Tomsia.

“Scientific Vertigo” met with the winner of the 23rd edition of the Foundation for Polish Science and Scholarship START. Professor Barbara Complaints Dr. Martyna Molak-Tomsia of Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences, which deals with the use and analysis of ancient DNA.

– DNA, or genetic material of every living organism contains all the information on this organism . Fossil DNA is DNA that we get from old debris, with different samples of organic materials that have not been specifically prepared for DNA analysis, eg. With mummy – she said.

Guest Radio Programme examined, among others, the population of the village of Inca times (approx. fifteenth century). Now, using the tools of molecular biology, Dr. Molak-Tomsia trying to answer questions about changes in the structure of the Polish population, which appeared as a result of Polish lands of Christianity in 966. With the program, you will learn more about these studies.


Title broadcasts: Scientific vertigo


Krzysztof Michalski

Guest: Dr Martyn Molak-Tomsia (Museum and Institute of Zoology in Warsaw)

Issue Date: 25/05/2015

Time greenhouse 21.34



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