Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jeans as smarftony. Google and Levi’s work on “smart … – TVN24 Business and World

Technology giant Google and clothing manufacturer Levi’s join forces to create a digital clothing. Literally it comes to “smarty pants” (smart trousers) – writes CNN Money.

As we read technology group ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) working

on a fabric that will be able to feel and communicate touch. As a result, there is seamlessly combined with a smartphone.

Special materials

Thanks to the special yarn and panels multitouch normal clothes may swap an interactive device – it reads.

Before you can with one hand (eg. by moving his hand over his pants pocket), mute the phone or hitting a finger start playing the song.

ZR & oacute; DLO: Experts. Medi & oacute; in social indicate a need to change the network profile

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The project, which is called “Project Jacquard” was officially announced by Google on Friday.

The first official partner of Google was Levi’s. Two others have also started designing and experimenting with intelligent clothing.

None of the companies has not yet announced when the clothes will be available on the market. Although the head of product innovation in Levi’sie stressed that the project will be “quick and enjoyable.”

The idea has already been

CNN Money notes that it is not the first time when companies are trying to capitalize on the mass production of conductive material. However, Google thinks on this issue on a global scale.

The clothing industry in the world produces 19 million garments annually – 150 times more than the industry related to mobile telephony. – We can not expect that the global fashion industry will change for us, although we Google. It is we who have to adapt to the textile industry – said Ivan Poupyrev with Google.

ATAP Group is working on producing the so-strength yarn that can withstand industrial weaving process, but will also look good. The cooperation includes m. Al. Companies from Japan – it reads.


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