Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Russia does not want Apple or Google – claims that do own system … – Gazeta.pl

Russia once again trying to play in the West for sanctions imposed on the occasion and seize the moment to further cut their citizens from external influences. This time the fight will be waged by the Russian smartphones and tablets – Nikolai Nikiforov, Russian Minister of Communications, has announced a plan to create a national mobile operating system. Ultimately, it has to displace from the area of ​​the Federation of Apple iOS and Google Android, which together have currently 95% share of the Russian market. The Russian government assumes that in 10 years it should fall to 50%.

The new system, however, will not be made from scratch and will be the base for the open Sailfish OS Finnish company Jolla, which was founded by former employees of Nokia. The system itself looks a bit like a cross between other commercially available mobile OSes. Application menu looks borrowed from Android, tile resemble each application on Windows Phone tiles and notifications menu of the BlackBerry OS. With the rest see for yourself – in the video below you will see how recorded by us this year 2 Sailfish OS in action:

The decisions to reject partnerships with Western companies for someone who keeps track of Russian policy are nothing new . For example, five years ago it was announced that 150 million rubles for the creation of an operating system that in all institutions

of government will replace Microsoft’s solution, and not so long ago we learned about a national system of payment cards, which will be valid only on the territory of the Federation. All companies offering Internet services in Russia must use servers located on its territory, the parties may be censored without judgment, bloggers must register its activities, and persons with hotspots need to give their data to make it known to the “who, what, where and when. “The government also gave up their computers with processors from Intel and AMD, instead using the equipment Baikal Electronics, and hinders its territory functioning of the US GPS service.


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