Tuesday, May 26, 2015

2015 Mother’s Day Google Doodle reminds wishes for mom – Virtual Poland

 26 May we celebrate Mother’s Day in Poland. Google has decided to celebrate this day, creating a special animated doodle. Mother’s Day is an expression of respect, love and gratitude for efforts in education. On this day we usually receive flowers, greeting cards and small gifts.

Mother’s Day is celebrated in Poland, always on May 26. On the occasion of this special date, Google has created a special doodle for Mother’s Day that reminds you of this festival to all users. Mother’s Day is a celebration dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Goddesses-mothers, who were symbols of fertility and abundance, composition then the solemn sacrifice. This custom was renovated in the seventeenth century in the UK. In the so-called. “Mothering Day” tradition was folding his mother gifts, mostly flowers and sweets in exchange for blessings received. This custom has survived until about the nineteenth century. They returned to him after the end of World War II.

Mother’s Day in Poland
 Poles for the first time celebrated Mother’s Day in 1914 in Krakow. Since that event, every year on May 26, the whole of Poland celebrates Mother’s Day. But not everywhere May 26 is the date to celebrate Mother’s Day. Each country celebrating this festival chooses a date.

Mother’s Day in the world

Mother’s Day is celebrated in more than 90 countries around the world, but at different times. In Norway, it is celebrated in February. In turn, the fourth Sunday of Lent is

celebrated in Ireland and the UK, and Indonesia – 22 December. The most common countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May. The countries that celebrate it the day are: Austria, Australia, Czech Republic, Malta, the United States, Hong Kong, India, Switzerland and Italy.

The festival presents interesting history in the United States. In 1858, an American teacher Anna Reeves Jarvis announced the Mothers’ Work Days, and since 1872 has promoted the idea of ​​Mother’s Day Julia Ward Howe, author of travel books. Mother’s Day was established in 1905 on the initiative of Anna Jarvis. In 1914, the US Congress passed the day a national holiday, which falls on the second Sunday of May.


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