Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wristy – Polish phone for kids – Virtual Poland

  The Witcher 3 is not the only Polish product, which will move to conquer western markets. I started presale unusual device called Wristy.

 Wristy is a simple mobile phone designed primarily for children. The small size of the device is equipped with a silicone sleeve that can be worn in several ways – on the neck, on a leash, as the clip to clothing or on the wrist. As developers promise, the current version Wristy is strong enough to cope with falls or splashes, but I intend to improve them in the future to such an extent that it becomes waterproof.

 The device lacks extensive keyboard is for it four buttons for selecting programmable numbers – in assuming the child is with their help can always call the next. At the same time Wristy has the ability to receive calls from all numbers.

 The designers did not intend such a simple structure to compete with smartphones or tablets – even this would not make much sense. They believe, however, that because of the increasingly widespread ban on the use of smartphones in the classroom, Wristy become an ideal device for schools, providing parents constant contact with the child. At the same time Wristy is quite discreet because there is no tone and vibration signals incoming calls.

 With a holster device weighs 29 grams and its dimensions are 42 to 34 at 11.5 millimeters. Non-exchangeable battery of 400 mAh is enough for 72 hours of standby time. Its suggested retail price is 299 gold, and another two weeks it can be pre-purchased at the manufacturer’s website. Later Wristy sale is expected to start within the European Union and in Poland talks are being held with mobile operators and shops with articles childhood that could

be interested in selling these devices.

 The very idea seems to be quite interesting, some problem might be but the price – for similar money you can buy a device with incomparably more features. Although Wristy wants to enter the market fairly unusual, but in this segment problem may be the lack of GPS module. Time will tell how the market will cope phone Wristy.

  See also: For the first time in my life saw colors. Reaction – priceless.

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