Monday, May 18, 2015

Stephen Hawking announces the apocalypse robots –

Artificial Intelligence, which are ancestors of systems such as Siri and Cortana, may seem very useful technology that simplifies our lives. Scientists, however, are not convinced them confident and believe that instead of benefit, will destroy humanity.

Recently, the head of Tesla Motors Elon Musk and co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates publicly expressed concerns related to Artificial Intelligence suggesting that someday will become so strong that it may pose a threat to humanity.

This view is known physicist Stephen Hawking, who a few days ago, spoke at a conference organized in London Zeitgeist 2015. In his opinion, in the next 100 years computers become powerful enough that will be able to think for themselves. Humanity must therefore ensure that the objectives of machines are compatible with ours. Otherwise, you may come true scenario presented by James Cameron in the movie Terminator, because computers recognize people as a threat and decide to eliminate them.

Hawking is not the first time publicly expressed concerns about the SI. Last year, he said that that

technology can terminate the existence of mankind and it is not alone in this opinion.


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