Thursday, May 21, 2015

The computer for … $ 9? –

Next Thing decided to create the cheapest computer in the world. Housed in a pocket of equipment should handle basic functions like Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth. Computer in a few zlotys, more precisely – for $ 9 – improbable? Take a closer look …

As part of a project called CHIP, Next Thing decided to create a computer whose price is expected to be only $ 9. Surprisingly good performance and satisfactory functionality of the device worth only a few dozen gold may be surprised. The intention of the manufacturer, the device has to have basic functions such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Inside will be a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM and a hard disk with a capacity of 4 GB. The computer has to operate based on Linux, will be equipped with USB ports. Next Thing is powered by start-ups called Kickstarter. To date, as part of the crowdfundingowej we managed to collect nearly $ 700,000! This number surpassed the expectations of several project developers who who estimate the amount needed to complete the project at $ 50,000.
The dynamic development of the IT industry has made on the European market appears more and more innovative, worth observing projects. If you fail to realize the idea of ​​creating such a device and selling low-cost computers will provide full functionality for literally dozens of gold, we have to deal with the kind of revolution.
Revolution, which certainly will be on languages ​​across the industry, including advertising. Will it happen? Time will tell – says Thomas Orzechowski, CEO of Group 365NET.

Under the plan, the first devices should hit the market in April 2016 year.


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