Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Researchers present groundbreaking aluminum-ion batteries –

 Many times we have heard already about the new breakthrough solutions, which is to be a revolution in the field of Battery for mobile devices, but so far none of these ideas did not live to commercialization, and standard lithium-ion batteries still have no meaningful competition. But perhaps the latest discovery scientists from Stanford University in the end provide the long-awaited freshness I say?

 Speech is a matter of battery cells using aluminum-ion , which turn out to be better than lithium-ion batteries in several key categories. It is worth noting that this type of batteries are not an entirely new idea, but until now, researchers have had difficulty with a combination of materials that could be used in commercial products.

 As noted by Hongjie Dai , a professor of chemistry at Stanford University, his team accidentally discovered that for this purpose ideally suited graphite. Thus, the battery consists of an aluminum anode with a graphite cathode, which are located in the bag with the liquid electrolyte – this also means that the battery is flexible.

 Moreover, in the case of this embodiment there is no danger of explosion or ignition, even in the case of exposure to high temperatures, which happens in the case of lithium-ion equivalents. The prototype is able to survive 7500 charging cycles before any degradation of performance (normal batteries last only approx. 1000 cycles), and should also mention the very fast charging, which takes only 60 seconds. It is not without significance is the fact that the production of this type of battery is significantly cheaper.

 But there is a catch, as the current prototypes produce only approx. 2V, which is far less than conventional batteries (3.6V). They are also less spacious and offer only 40W per kilogram, while lithium-ion batteries provide 100 d0 260W per kilogram. Either way, scientists are optimistic and believe that soon they manage to overcome these difficulties, there remains for us so nothing else to do but keep your fingers crossed for them.


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