Thursday, May 14, 2015

Snapchat noticed Warsaw today. This is due to one report? –

only a few days ago we wrote about the surprisingly good results Snapchata in Poland. This application – almost unknown men after 20-something – is spreading rapidly among younger users. It’s a new social network allows you to upload photos and short films that disappear soon after seeing the recipient.

Since Snapchat does not give almost no statistics on users, it is difficult to assess the actual popularity of the application. Effort was undertaken by – research firm influence in social media. Their ranking of the top 100 Polish snapchaterów has been built on the basis of the number of people who read each snapy.

Summary proved to be so interesting that powerfully rozruszało Polish Snapchata. Many snapchaterów “grown” by tens of per cent, new figures. We know this based on statistics collected by This is what happened next remains a guess – Snapchat a very mysterious company.

Later that day, when shown the report, in Snapchacie there is a new filter that can be applied to the image. He preached “Warsaw is so crazy if you askin me” and was geographically limited to Warsaw. Probably was awarded to the city due to the increased traffic on the site.


Warsaw"> Fig.

A week passed and Warsaw again was noticed by Snapchata. This time, for a day, started the Warsaw Live. This allows users Snapchata from around the world are able to watch recorded footage in Warsaw. Such promotional awards are a permanent element of the service – you can see a summary of the most important cultural or sporting events or famous places.

Today, any user application that is in Warsaw, can throw your snap to the list of “Our Warsaw Story”. Out of this amount will be selected films that Snapchat assemble the story available worldwide.

Why is zawdzięczmy? Most likely, this is still the effect of report, which many people realized the existence of Snapchata, and others encouraged to be more active on it.


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