Monday, July 27, 2015

Apple can do anything? The American giant is suing the Polish company – Interia


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American giant sues Polish company / © 123RF / Picsel

Problems AP.PL, an online store offering maintenance services and accessories for smartphones, began in May, when the owner of Artur Janiszewski received from the law firm a letter inviting him to a free domain transfer into the hands of Apple

– I did not see any reason to submit that request – says entrepreneur in an interview with service. Janiszewski stresses that “unlucky” has already registered the domain name in 2002, and three years in that capacity operates at its online store.

The arguments Janiszewski, however, did not convince the American company. The entrepreneur has received from the international law firm 600-page lawsuit, in which the domain withdrawal demand for Apple has been repeated. Janiszewski was accused of “using the compromised the reputation of the trade mark”. According to lawyers domain is phonetically identical to the trademark Apple.

– Domain was registered in 2002 and from the beginning was used for personal homepages of Art. Production, therefore, the arguments Apple appear to be unfounded – emphasizes Tomasz Fiedoruk of, the company managing domains. If Apple thinks that the domain is useful for marketing reasons, it should pay for it as he did, among others, mobile operator P4, lecturing for a domain 2 million zł – adds the expert.

This is not the first time that

Apple in a rather ruthless manner demands from the Polish company free internet domain withdrawal. In 2012, the American company “pledged snare” on a domain called A.PL In this case also it was about phonetic similarity to the trademark. Apple’s efforts have failed, however, to nothing, and at still work Internet café.

– Attempts acquisition of Internet domains by large companies claiming to be their marks are publicized at least a few times every year, but the scale of such Action is definitely higher. Particularly aggressive in their actions are major corporations – says Tomasz Fiedoruk.

At this point, reminiscent of Google’s efforts to gain control of the domain The company from Mountain View managed to get the address after a five-year battle. To this day it is not known whether the domain owner bowed to the possible legal consequences and gave it for free, or come to a financial agreement with Internet giant.

D. M., 2015-07-24

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