Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Experts warn of arms race in robot-killers – Polish Radio

                             The company known for its placing on the Polish market throws another immediate transfer bankers gloves. Created in Sopot Financial robot saves on paying bills eight hours per year. Sam gets all the invoices and pays a loyalty card.

Cut off the internet at home, a reminder to energy suppliers, whether prompted by the building manager. Who has not happened to forget to pay a bill. Nothing strange indeed, if we look at the statistics. According to the study conducted by TNS on behalf of the studio statistical KRD Polish family has to be paid 8 monthly bills. This 96 payments per year.

forgetful of the banks come to the aid of the direct debit service. However, this does not solve all the problems. Because one energy company offers service in collaboration with our bank, the other not. And certainly on the list of providers that offer direct debit you will not find any bodies, like local cable provider or housing association.

This robot market with its financial decided to conquer the company Blue Media. Although the robot does not physically exist, laughs Andrew Jędrzejczak with Blue Media. – It’s like it really is an Internet application that is used to automate operations, which do not always have to go – says the Polish Radio 24. Engineers from Sopot have already had successful projects, such as the system of fast money transfers, so you can in a few moments transfer between banks amount to 5 thousand. zł, without waiting for the next session of the settlement.

The robot is not afraid of cooperatives

Our robot he logs on to an electronic Customer Service Office (eBOK) companies, which expose us to bills and collects payment information and then carries them out of the virtual purse, or by paying katy numbers, explains Andrzej Jędrzejczak. And he adds that unlike present on the market for years, direct debits Financial robot is able to communicate with most service providers and “learns” to access new systems. – Such, for example, a housing cooperative “ray”. We have a possibility to add such a system – says a guest of the Polish Radio 24.

You do the same, but you need to pay


implementation of each payment costs 1 zł, what is at stake similar to the amounts charged by banks for direct debits. – Just as we pay, making quick money transfers directly from our eBOK platform provider – adds a representative of Blue Media. At the beginning the company offers a free trial and promotion cash back, which is known bank customers return mechanism petty sum of each transaction.

Trust is the foundation

Not all But like the fact that robots have to share logins and passwords for sites eBOK, as well as the card number. The more that we hear from all sides that this information is not disclosed. – Robot is not a man, so are excluded abuse on his part – calms Andrew Jędrzejczak.

The next step: insurance

Meanwhile, the robot “learns” the next skill. Recently began clients search for the cheapest travel insurance. There are also plans to run property insurance price comparison. And although similar services already exist, it again Blue Media focuses on automation, such as banks offer us. Once entered personal data are retrieved from the server. This is to allow to save time spent on the purchase of insurance policies. Although it will be difficult to achieve such an effect (8 hours per year), as with transfers.

Krzysztof Rzyman


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