Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New Horizons spacecraft transmits successive images of Pluto –

– The probe is full of pictures. We can not wait – told reporters director. Research NASA John Grunsfeld.

With the approach probe to the planet image quality increased. Best Picture earlier this dwarf planet come from the Hubble Space Telescope. However, there are little spicy, reminiscent divided into pixels balls of light.

During the trip the probe took the pictures and gathering data through which scientists can determine the composition of the surface and atmosphere of the dwarf planet. There will also detailed maps of Pluto and its moon, Charon. The probe is also examining four small outer moons of Pluto named: Styx, Nix, and Hydra Kerberos.

Data previously passed by the New Horizons helped confirm that the diameter of Pluto is 2370 km, so it is approx. 80 km larger than estimated.

Experts emphasize that the passage of the probe next to Pluto is one of the key moments in the history of space exploration. This means that all celestial bodies of the solar

system, from Mercury after Pluto, they have released at least one visit to the probe.

New Horizons probe was launched from Earth in January 2006. In December 2014,., After the defeat of less than 5 billion kilometers, it was woken from hibernation and began preparing to fly near Pluto.



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