Saturday, July 25, 2015

NASA finds Earth space close cousin –

 I must admit that this month was for NASA very successful and the latest findings of the American space agency are good to go down in history. First, we received pictures of Pluto taken by the probe New Horizons, and now it was announced that through a telescope Kepler Space Telescope was discovered exoplanet Kepler 452b , which is extremely similar to ours.

 Not enough that the planet is of similar size, it still revolves around its star of spectral type G2 (like our sun) at a similar distance as ours, thereby achieving light similar to sunlight.

 Kepler 452b is approx. 60% larger than Earth and is a rocky body and NASA scientists estimate that characterize could double the gravity and thicker and more clouded atmosphere that may contain water. It is also a chance that on the surface is liquid water, there is no assurance that the Kepler 452b is able to sustain life. Interestingly, the planet is about 5% away from its parent star than the Earth, which translates into a slightly longer one year (385 days). However, Kepler 452b is still in ecosphere, which is the sphere in which the prevailing favorable physical and chemical conditions for the creation, maintenance and development of living organisms.

 Unfortunately, given the fact that the planet is in the

constellation Cygnus 1400 light years from us, it is rather not soon we will be able to visit her.




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