Thursday, July 30, 2015

Prime Minister Windows 10. What surprised Microsoft? –

Windows 10 is one of the biggest tests yet for Satya Nadelli, the new CEO of Microsoft, which replaced the controversial Steven Ballmer. The latter bought a basketball club, the Los Angeles Clippers and enjoys life rich pensioner, and Nadelli left Microsoft to restore to its former glory.

Launch of the new Microsoft operating system – Windows 10


Microsoft, in principle, has blossomed into Windows, and despite more than $ 7 billion. losses from the purchase of Nokia’s far from a financial quagmire. Today, however, can not rely entire business on this system. Revenue from licenses in the last year fell by 22 per cent., Which in part is the reason for the shrinking PC market. In addition, already in 2012. In the world sold more Android devices than Windows. This year, sales of devices running Apple evened out with the level of sales of Microsoft’s system.

Nadella knows this. So he took orders for in-depth led to the end of the purchase of Nokia and planned restructuring of the company. It develops cloud services, and is a rapidly growing company business – an increase of 88 percent. last year translated into an $ 8 billion. revenue. Even the numbering of the new system is to suggest a new order in the company, he abandoned the digit 9.

Despite the fact that over the years stunted, Windows is still a great power. Market share of “Seven” than the world’s 60 per cent. For this approx. 13 percent. for Windows 8, still less than 12 percent. for Windows XP. The discrepancy between the seventh and eighth part of the system is the best proof that the latter met with mixed feelings of customers, mainly through far-reaching changes compared with earlier versions, to which users have grown accustomed to over the years. In Poland, according to Gemius, in June, more than 42.5 percent. all views in the network came from devices with Windows 7. This almost 17 percent. with Windows 8 in both versions, every tenth edition came with XP.

Windows 10 is to be a hybrid of all the best of the old, good sevens and eights modern. The company will restore example. Cult “Start” button, equip the system in a new browser in place of the worn-out Internet Explorer, redesigned interface and a voice assistant Cortana, but so far not in the Polish version.

What are the most important for users of Windows 7, 8.1 (modified 8) and Windows Phone 8.1 will be able to freely upgrade to “tens”. Such a possibility would be for a year, then Microsoft tells himself to pay for it – approx. 129 dollars. The process is simple. Those for whom the update is possible, you will find the taskbar icon on your device, Microsoft’s “get Windows 10″. Then just follow the instructions that appear on the screen – a book, download and install. Note: if the system you do not like, you have 28 days to return to the previous version. After this time will be removed previous system installation files. This can be remedied by doing a backup on a USB stick.

Only if the new system actually is worth a mass? David Kosinski, a blogger service, had it been thoroughly tested and prophesies his market success. – It is refined, it can use it with pleasure. Windows 10 on an ordinary computer reminds version 7. It has a “Start” menu, and applications are started in the windows – he explains. – In turn, the equipment with touch screen applications and “Start” menu occupy the entire screen, the icons are bigger, and the whole resembles Windows 8 – dismisses David Kosinski.

This is probably one of the biggest revolution Nadelli – unification of systems. Now Windows is a one-to-all devices, rather than separate version for computers, tablets and smartphones. This is what you start in your application to do on the tablet, you’ll be able to finish on the computer.

But where in all this business for Microsoft, since the new system is giving away for free? – It’s a nod in the direction of our user community. We want the users of Windows was delivered as a service – company writes in a statement. But business will be some space. On Wednesday will begin selling the first devices with the new Windows, its boxed version will hit the shelves in August. Microsoft applied to this another trick – will allow the system to update the holders of the pirated version, even though their new “tens” will still have the status of pirated goods. For a company better that although one in ten of them after checking out the new version paid for it, than if he had to look for her unofficial channels without paying at all.

Today, Windows is used by over 1.5 billion people. This result has not managed to repeat any other operating system. It all began in late 1985., When Microsoft unveiled Windows 1.0. In a television advertisement Steve Ballmer in a suit, who przyprawiłby contemporary stylist for heart attack, shouting and waving his arms, ensuring that the new Windows is a revolution. Then it costs 99 dollars. It was not a full-fledged operating system as we know it today, but rather extending the operating environment MS – DOS.

Windows 3.0 in 1990. Sold within two years effort 10 million copies, which turned out to be a very good result. Then there were the more successful systems, like XP, and tragic, like Vista. In total, Microsoft has spent more than 20 different versions of windows.

How To Install Windows 10 on your computer? – On


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