Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Started production of 1.0 um die for cameras in mobile devices –

Samsung started producing the industry’s first CMOS image sensor, in which a single pixel has a size of 1 micron. Matrix with a resolution of 16 megapixels (MP) is designed for advanced mobile devices.

The new image sensor S5K3P3 Samsung has applied technology developed by each other ISOCELL, raising efficiency 1-micron pixels. The smallest pixel size of the market served to reduce matrix module, including its height, which is a solution for manufacturers of mobile devices increasingly thinner.
Starting with a 16-megapixel sensor, Samsung plans to enter other products in which a single pixel will have a size of 1.0 microns to ensure its position as market leader dies for mobile devices distinguished by their high performance despite the slim frame – announces Kyushik Hong, Vice President and Head of S.LSI Marketing, Samsung Electronics.

Thanks to the new 16-megapixel image Samsung built of pixels the size of 1 micron height of the whole unit was able to reduce by 20 percent compared to the current module with a matrix of 16 MP with pixels the size of 1.12 microns. S5K3P3 matrix module has a height of less than 5 mm, which allows you to design a mobile device with a lens slightly protruding beyond the housing without prejudice to the resolution.

In addition, thanks to technology ISOCELL Samsung image obtained by imaging S5K3P3 not inferior quality image recorded by a matrix of pixels the size of 1.12 microns. The

ISOCELL technology significantly reduced infiltration phenomenon of color between adjacent pixels that are separated additional physical barrier. This greatly improves the light sensitivity and allows you to effectively control the collection of photons, which translates into more accurate color reproduction even in low light.

Connection ISOCELL technology with the industry’s smallest 1-mikrometrowymi pixels in the new master S5K3P3 opens up new producers opportunities to design devices.

The new matrix image of the Samsung S5K3P3 today can begin to design the next generation of mobile devices.


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