Monday, July 27, 2015

Scientists have discovered a “new” Earth. Here are 8 things you did not know about the Kepler-452b –


1. This is the most Earth-like planet ever detected

The planet Kepler-452b has the most similar to Earth’s observed characteristics of all the planets in the universe so far. Scientists commonly call it the “cousin of the Earth”.

2. Year Kepler 452b has a similar length to the Earth

Year on newly discovered planet, or the time it takes to lap parent star is 385 days, only 20 days more than on Earth. This is a significant difference compared with other planets. For example, a year on Venus lasts only 88 Earth days. Year on Neptune, which is farther in our solar system, is equal to 185 Earth years.

3. Kepler 452b is in ideal distance from their stars

Kepler 452, or “sun” newly discovered exoplanet is 1.5 billion years older than our Sun, and is in an ideal distance therefrom. This is extremely important because if a planet is too close to its star, the high temperature prevents the development of life on it. If it is too far, it will be too cold for her.

4. On the surface there are probably active volcanoes and reservoirs

Kepler 452b is probably the right temperature, which will allow the existence of liquid water on the surface – which, as we know, is very important to sustain life. Due to their size and age, it is also likely that rocky planet, which means that under the surface there is an active volcanic system.

5. People survive in a stronger gravitational newly discovered planet

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The new planet is slightly larger than Earth, but it is estimated that gravity is stronger there twice. NASA scientists, however, believe that man could adapt to new conditions.

6. On its surface could grow terrestrial plants

Star of the planet Kepler 452 is slightly larger from our sun. The extra energy and light mean that it is warmer. This means that the plants could grow on it came. – They’re going to feel a little like at home – Jon Jenkins said at a press conference.

7. The planet may be possible to sunbathe!

Kepler 452b records the same kind of spectrum and intensity of light, which our Earth. – One could even get a healthy tan, like a vacation – said Dr. Daniel Brown, an expert on astronomy at Nottingham Trent University.

8. Unfortunately, we can not get there

The planet is 1.4 light years from us. So if you are planning to go there on a trip, stop and do not book a ticket, until we will construct spaceships faster.


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