Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pluto – it began 53 years ago. As NASA investigated the whole system … – Virtual Poland

After the July 14th New Horizons spacecraft passed Pluto and began transmission to Earth a series of photos and measurements, NASA announced the completion of a project. United States became the first country in history to “visit” all the planets of the solar system classic (that is, one in which there is still room for Pluto). During the nearly 70 years that have passed since the implementation of the first pictures of Earth from space, the US space agency was able to take pictures and measurements of all the planets (and former planets) using fired in their direction probes.

Thanks very soon, once all the information gathered by the New Horizons hit the Earth, we have full knowledge about the whole of our solar system. It may be few in the whole cosmos, but for mankind is certainly an important step in understanding the world around her.

We decided to look at the history of the exploration of the solar system by NASA. In what order were studied in his secrets? Which planet

examined as the first, and which one (before Pluto) last?

Photo: Uranus and its moons


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