Sunday, July 26, 2015

The planet Kepler 452b. The human foot was not able to [video] –

An interview with Stanislaw Rokita, an astronomer from Torun Planetarium. Wladyslaw Dziewulskiego of a distant cousin of the Earth.

The planet Kepler 452b has become the new (momen omen) star. The discovery worthy of the hype?
– I would not call this discovery a sensation, but it sure is interesting. It is not a “twin Earth”, by far the more precise the term “older cousin of the Earth”.

– Where we were able to spot the planet?

– it lies in the constellation Cygnus. It is quite clear northern sky constellation. In Poland, we see it from spring to fall. We can then see with the naked eye about 150 stars of this constellation.

Kepler telescope has become a real hunter of planets.

circling in orbit for 6 years. During this time, he located more than a thousand planets, and about 4 thousand. subsequent discoveries awaits verification process.

It could be a second Earth. Unusual discovery of NASA scientists, Video: NASA / x-news

Why is this extraordinary effectiveness?

I watch non-stop small part of the sky in search of small weakness brightness of stars. The weakness may be caused by planets crossing shield against the star. Each new discovery must of course be verified, including confirmed by ground-based observations. Only then it announced the discovery of a new planet.

Astronomers searching for planets reserve us?

The search for the other land is one of the main goals of astronomy, and perhaps of all science. Such a discovery would allow us to answer many questions in various fields. We are constantly looking planet that is similar in size to Earth and from a similar distance orbits a star similar to our sun. The latter meets the conditions Kepler 452b. It’s about finding the planet where water exists in liquid form, because it determines the possibility of life.

The information from NASA is accompanied by illustrations that were created in the imagination of designers. Meanwhile, on the same planet, we know there is still little.

Indeed, you are only ideas. We know the size of the new planet, the distance from the star around which circulates and orbital period. It’s not much, but even these modest based on a lot of information we can infer, for example, that it is a rocky planet, which

suggests that it has a density similar to our Earth. In this case, Kepler 452b would have four times the mass. In other words, walking after it the hard way there would feel our weight.

What about the water?

is likely that there’s liquid water and even fairly dense atmosphere, but we do not know what complex. The planet is so large that probably kept internal heat and so can be found on the volcanic activity. Interestingly, Kepler 452b is illuminated like the Earth, so all we would see there in similar colors.

Beautiful. But what do we actually this knowledge?

The stars observed by Kepler are usually older than our solar system, so through observation, we can see what awaits us for a billion years. Our Sun is constantly expanding, for a billion years the Earth may not be conditions for life.

And then we will send you a new Noah’s Ark on Kepler?

man rather never set foot there. Even if we were able to move at the speed of light, the trip would take 1,400 years. If the probe had to get there like this, which reached the vicinity of Pluto, travel time would have to be counted in millions of years. Even if today there were intelligent beings on Keplerze rather deal with them, we not talk, because our information get there for 1400 years. It’s like we today received a letter sent in the time of Emperor Justinian. Kepler also the image that reaches us from before 1400 years. For comparison, Pluto, in the vicinity of which arrived after 9 years, New Horizons probe is within us barely about 8 hours of light.


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