Friday, July 17, 2015

What the Poles buy LCD TVs? Samsung leads the way to … –

Falling sales of flat TVs. Research agencies see the future in 4K TVs and predict that this very category of flat-panel TVs will stimulate the market. Is that going to happen? Shop presented the TOP 10 ranking of sales of flat LCD TVs in the first quarter of 2015 years.

TV market for a long time is going through a kind of crisis. The last three years have been for manufacturers of flat-panel TVs falling sales. Companies are bending over backwards to provide customers with the most competitive product. Is improved resolution and image quality are added function of displaying 3D, Smart TV. Some of the manufacturers are expanding their TV interfaces to support voice or using gestures. On the other hand difficult market situation forces them to greater optimization of costs and getting rid of unprofitable production lines. Market verified, among other things produces plasma TVs. These types of screens ceased to be of interest to customers, although the quality of the image displayed on the plasma was better than LCDs. Including forced market Japanese manufacturer – Panasonic plasmas to reduce production and shift to specialization in TV with LCD screen. Thanks to Panasonic’s change of strategy on the Polish market, already saw the first signs of improvement in its market position.
certainly notices this company, which boasted that it recorded a more than twofold increase in sales of flat TVs in the first half of 2015 compared to the same period of 2014. Panasonic this year for the first time appeared in the top ten best-selling TV sets, occupying a strong fourth position. Leader in this product category, of course, unrivaled Samsung still leads, but comparing the data from the first half of 2014 by 2015 it should be noted
that other brands are slowly beginning to elbow on the market.

As you can see now the most popular brands are Samsung, Panasonic, Hyundai and Sony. In comparison with the previous year, fell from a list of Philips and LG.

The analyzed sales data also show Agito company that customers started buying more televisions. The average size of the screens was purchased in the first half of 2015 years to 42.9 inches, while in the comparable period in 2014 this figure was 33.2 “. At the same time increased by 659.46 zł average price of purchased TV.

The reasons for this state of affairs may be several. We would certainly played a role lower than in 2014, the price of televisions. The new models replace the older generations resulted in a reduction of the latter. On the other hand, still difficult market situation somewhat forced manufacturers to offer products at competitive prices, what Of course the most popular one client.


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