American National Museum of Air and Space launched on Monday a campaign that aims to raise funds for the maintenance of the suit Neil Armstrong, the first man landed on the moon. During the collection of the museum staff they want to collect 500 thousand. dollars.

just passed 46 …
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just passed 46 years since the first landing on the moon. Exactly July 21, 1969 r. In the chair. 4.56 Polish time Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon.
One day before the anniversary began collecting funds for the maintenance of the suit Armstrong.
Social Financing
Conservators They note that Armstrong’s spacesuit was designed to be used for a short period and for this reason his condition is getting worse with the passage of time. Museum staff collected money they want to spend on securing the suit, the construction of an air-conditioned cabinets, and digital scanning the suit in 3D.
Fundraising began on Monday. Organizers to collect the entire sum give each month. However, as shown by current results, such a long period will not be necessary because during the day we managed to collect 200 thousand pond. dollars., and the amount is growing faster and faster.
All measures for the maintenance of the suit influence of Internet users, because collection is done by crowdfundingową online platform Kickstarter, which is based solely on financing social networks.

The American National Museum of Air and Space is only partially funded by the federal government. The institution remains mainly with private money donors and sponsors, which lacked the means to carry out maintenance suit.
The collection is promoted in other social networking sites such. Twitter using a special hashtag #RebootTheSuit.
50. Anniversary
The suit was not showing since 2006. Therefore, the museum staff through funds collected want to renew it until 2019 and then on the 50th anniversary of the landing on the moon Armstrong put on public view. Later, the suit will become the main exhibit gallery “Destination Moon,” whose opening is scheduled for 2020.
Author: cl / I / Source: PAP, BuzzFeed

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