Wednesday, July 22, 2015

“There could be a life”. The biggest move in the history of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence – TVN Meteo

- Maybe somewhere in the universe there are intelligent beings that receive a signal from our star (the Sun – ed. Ed.). More importantly, perhaps they are aware of what it means – said Stephen Hawking. – We are alive, we are intelligent and we have to see – he added.

The experts are planning a new venture that aims to prove that we are not alone in the universe.

– we believe that life on Earth arose spontaneously. Therefore, in the infinite universe, there must be another life, another case that initiated life – said Professor Hawking.

Analyses on the best equipment

How do scientists want to find out? They plan to “scan” ten times more sky than before. Will be used for this purpose the two most powerful telescopes: the US Green Bank and the Australian Parkes.

decade of research

For ten years, scientists have receive signals transmitted by the millions of stars that are closest to the Earth. Furthermore, they will listen “news” of the 100 nearby galaxies. 10 billion will be used to waves of different frequencies.

– To understand the universe, atoms need to know, the process of emergence and disappearance of stars, secrets of black holes, and the “dance” of galaxies – said Hawking.


connects people

The project involved a group of Breakthrough Initiatives from the scientific Royal Society in London. The project also wspierajś British astronomer Martin Rees and Russian entrepreneur Yuri Milner. The last of them for this purpose donated $ 100 million.


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