Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tesla 90 with better acceleration will travel 500 km without … –

The representatives of Tesla Motors at a press conference announced that they bring to the market a new model of its electric car. The Tesla 90 greater than previously used battery pack with a capacity of 90 kWh, so that the car can cover a distance of approx. 500 km on a single charge of the battery.

The enlarged battery pack will also be offered for the amount of approx. 3 thousand. dollars. as an option in combination with other models Tesla, for example 80D and 85D. With the possibility of exchanging a set of cells can also benefit users who already have one of the models Tesla. Mounting a more capacious kit will cost approx. 5 thousand. dollars. This option will not be available for holders of Tesla 70.

In addition, Tesla Motors presented the technical equipment special variant called Ludicrous Speed. Its use makes the Tesla accelerates to a speed of 100 km / h in 2.8 seconds. – Previous best models were characterized with a score of 3.1 s.

Tesla Motors also announced that reduces by 5 thousand . dollars. the price Model S with 70 kWh batteries. This

means that the car will now be purchased for $ 70 thousand. dollars.

Author: ps

More information Tesla electric car


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