Thursday, June 30, 2016

Nobel Prize winners urge Greenpeace – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             2009.  Lubonia. & # x15B the asset; Greenpeace  bother you & # x105; field where grown  genetically modified maize.

2009. Lubonia. Greenpeace activists occupy the field where grown genetically modified maize. (Fig. Grzegorz Celejewski / Agencja Gazeta)



"Get it over with stigmatization of genetically modified organisms" - writes 117 Nobel laureates in an open letter to the largest environmental organization in the world.





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More than a hundred of the most important scientific award winners signed a letter calling for Greenpeace to end attacks on genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Scientists are calling in particular for an end to the activities of blocking the introduction of rice Golden Rice, which has been modified to contain vitamin A. It is a deficiency or lack of this vitamin is now the leading cause of blindness and death among children in developing countries.

"We call on Greenpeace and its supporters to re-consider the experience of farmers and consumers around the world with crops and food, the improved through biotechnology, recognized the discovery of reputable scientific organizations, determine the appropriate offices and agencies and abandoned the campaign against GMOs, and in particular against genetically modyfikowanemu rice "- said in the appeal.

Nobel Prize winners say that research organizations and regulatory agencies repeatedly and consistently stated that genetically modified crops and foods are just as safe, if not safer, as from other production methods. They say never confirmed a single case of adverse health consequences caused by their consumption - either in humans or in animals. On the contrary - repeatedly demonstrated that they are less harmful to the environment and increase diversification of biological.

Greenpeace opposes the cultivation of rice Golden Rice, which can reduce or eliminate many deaths and diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency, which affects mainly the poorest people in Africa and southeast Asia. The World Health Organization estimates that, because of vitamin A deficiency suffers 250 million people in developing countries, including 40 per cent. children under five years of age. According to estimates by UNICEF deficiency contributes quietly to the death of one million to two million people a year. It is also the leading cause of blindness 250 to 500 thousand. children, half of whom die within a year of blindness.

Opponents of GMOs are concerned that the consumption of genetically modified plants can be dangerous for animals and humans, such cultivation does not improve the yield, leading to increased use of herbicides and the modified plants can spread beyond the areas of crops, thereby transferring new genes into the environment.

the Nobel Prize winner Randy Schekman, a biologist at the University of California at Berkeley, commented for the "Washington Post": - I'm surprised environmentalists, who are willing to accept scientific arguments on the issue of global climate change and the widespread vaccination in the prevention of disease, can be as opposed to opinions, of scientists on the issue as important as the future of agriculture in the world.

scientists agree that modifying plants in the laboratory does not differ from the modification of the traditional culture (in both cases the change genes of the organism). A genetically modified plants can help to solve many problems - for example by reducing the demand for crops used

in traditional pesticides.

co-organizer of the action is Phillip Sharp, who, in 1993. Received the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of introns. The appeal already signed 107 of the 296 living Nobel Prize winners. The action has a website

This variety of rice was established with the aim of undernourished people in developing countries, where children are adopted for blindness caused by deficiency or lack of vitamin A. Beta-carotene contained in grains of rice in the body is converted into vitamin A. the name is associated with the color yellow grains. Variety was founded by introducing into the genome of rice additional derived from maize genes that synthesize phytoene and originating from the bacterium Erwinia uredovora that determine the transformation of phytoene in beta-carotene. & Lt; / p & gt;



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Rosetta mission ends. “We’re trying to squeeze out of it as much as possible” – Polish Radio

The mission Rosetta was launched in 2004. In the course of spacecraft made observations of the two passed in close proximity to the asteroid Lutetia and Šteins and made a flyby of Mars and the Earth three times the next flights.


In August 2014 years reached its target near the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko and entered orbit around its nucleus. From the deck of the probe was released lander Philae, which for the first time in history landed on the comet’s surface.


“We have before us many years of work”

The European Space Agency (ESA) announced on its website that a Rosetta mission will end on 30 September. After consultation with the scientists responsible for the ESA probe decided that Rosetta will join its lander Philae and also settle on a comet.

Poll increasingly moving away from the Sun and Earth (now moving in the direction of Jupiter’s orbit). It reaches to her less and less sunshine and there are growing problems with the use of solar energy, which is necessary for operation of the probe and its instruments.


With an increase in distance weakens too connectivity and the ability to transmit data to Earth.

The trajectory of the probe operators begin to change in August. At the end of the mission the probe will perform circuit after a series of elliptical orbits, which will be gradually brought closer to the surface of a comet.


As soon as the probe contacts the surface of the comet is interrupted

communications. He then runs out the possibility of further use of the Rosetta.

During the descent to the comet and the last hours of life Rosetta will be able to perform a number of unique measurements, including pictures in very high resolution.

– We’re trying to squeeze out of it much observation, as far as possible, before we run out of solar energy – said engaged in the mission of the ESA Rosetta Matt Taylor.


– Sept. 30 will mark the end of the operation of the probe, while the beginning of the phase in which researchers will focus their attention entirely on the scientific aspect of the mission. We have before us many years of work, we will carefully analyze obtained in the course of the data – he added.



The probe Rosetta comet matter performs tests and observations of changes in the activity of the comet during its approach to perihelion. Its mission is to help better understand the origin of comets, the links between the comet and interstellar matter and its importance for the formation of the solar system.

PAP, kk


Nobel Prize winners urge Greenpeace – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             2009.  Lubonia. & # x15B the asset; Greenpeace  bother you & # x105; field where grown  genetically modified maize.

2009. Lubonia. Greenpeace activists occupy the field where grown genetically modified maize. (Fig. Grzegorz Celejewski / Agencja Gazeta)



"Get it over with stigmatization of genetically modified organisms" - writes 117 Nobel laureates in an open letter to the largest environmental organization in the world.





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More than a hundred of the most important scientific award winners signed a letter calling for Greenpeace to end attacks on genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Scientists are calling in particular for an end to the activities of blocking the introduction of rice Golden Rice, which has been modified to contain vitamin A. It is a deficiency or lack of this vitamin is now the leading cause of blindness and death among children in developing countries.

"We call on Greenpeace and its supporters to re-consider the experience of farmers and consumers around the world with crops and food, the improved through biotechnology, recognized the discovery of reputable scientific organizations, determine the appropriate offices and agencies and abandoned the campaign against GMOs, and in particular against genetically modyfikowanemu rice "- said in the appeal.

Nobel Prize winners say that research organizations and regulatory agencies repeatedly and consistently stated that genetically modified crops and foods are just as safe, if not safer, as from other production methods. They say never confirmed a single case of adverse health consequences caused by their consumption - either in humans or in animals. On the contrary - repeatedly demonstrated that they are less harmful to the environment and increase diversification of biological.

Greenpeace opposes the cultivation of rice Golden Rice, which can reduce or eliminate many deaths and diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency, which affects mainly the poorest people in Africa and southeast Asia. The World Health Organization estimates that, because of vitamin A deficiency suffers 250 million people in developing countries, including 40 per cent. children under five years of age. According to estimates by UNICEF deficiency contributes quietly to the death of one million to two million people a year. It is also the leading cause of blindness 250 to 500 thousand. children, half of whom die within a year of blindness.

Opponents of GMOs are concerned that the consumption of genetically modified plants can be dangerous for animals and humans, such cultivation does not improve the yield, leading to increased use of herbicides and the modified plants can spread beyond the areas of crops, thereby transferring new genes into the environment.

the Nobel Prize winner Randy Schekman, a biologist at the University of California at Berkeley, commented for the "Washington Post": - I'm surprised environmentalists, who are willing to accept scientific arguments on the issue of global climate change and the widespread vaccination in the prevention of disease, can be as opposed to opinions, of scientists on the issue as important as the future of agriculture in the world.

scientists agree that modifying plants in the laboratory does not differ from the modification of the traditional culture (in both cases the change genes of the organism). A genetically modified plants can help to solve many problems - for example by reducing the demand for crops used

in traditional pesticides.

co-organizer of the action is Phillip Sharp, who, in 1993. Received the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of introns. The appeal already signed 107 of the 296 living Nobel Prize winners. The action has a website

This variety of rice was established with the aim of undernourished people in developing countries, where children are adopted for blindness caused by deficiency or lack of vitamin A. Beta-carotene contained in grains of rice in the body is converted into vitamin A. the name is associated with the color yellow grains. Variety was founded by introducing into the genome of rice additional derived from maize genes that synthesize phytoene and originating from the bacterium Erwinia uredovora that determine the transformation of phytoene in beta-carotene. & Lt; / p & gt;



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Nobel Laureates write to Greenpeace in defense of genetically modified rice – Polish Radio

Dr Ewa Lech, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Photo: Polskie Radio

the statutory regulation is the answer to the needs presented by the Polish consumers and also the effect of a further extension of the period in which the animal feed as a component can be used in genetically modified plants.

̶ labeling will be voluntary, notes Deputy Minister of agriculture Dr. Ewa Lech.

European Commission leaves here the member states a free hand. In Poland, the system will cover both food of plant and animal origin, including honey. Taken into account the fact that consumers are increasingly looking for foods produced without the use of genetically modified ingredients.

Until recently, the European Commission considered that Member States may prohibit the cultivation of GMOs only for health reasons. These reasons it was difficult to prove. Currently ban may be introduced for socio-economic, and Poland is a country where the living are concerns about the effects of consuming foods with GMOs.

Work on the draft law on food labeling GMO-free act rhythmically and should be completed the end of the year. They have already created a foundation for this legislation. The project will be subject to public consultation.

̶ Those who are food without genetically modified ingredients to produce and label, certainly will benefit from the creation of new legislation – emphasized dr. Ewa Lech. And this is due to the growing popularity of products without GMOs among consumers in the European Union.

New fire ASF – eliminated

After the discovery last week of an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) on a farm in the municipality of Hajnówka in the Podlasie region, have been taken immediate action to eliminate the threat. At the command of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Krzysztof Jurgiel began operations Crisis Management Team. A meeting of the Task Force. Mitigation associated with the occurrence of cases of ASF virus.

̶ Efficiency measures taken facilitated by the fact that the disease was detected in a farm located in the area covered by the restrictions, which are already in force increased restrictions sanitary -weterynaryjne in the shipment of animals. Apply there certain proven principles bioasekuracji, explains Dr. Ewa Lech, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The victim farmer had a large farm, in a herd of pigs was about 250 pieces. All were liquidated in one day. For the losses incurred will receive one hundred percent compensation of the market value of animals. Epizootic investigation has been initiated in order to explain how there was a transfer of the disease to the holding. Is utilized also fodder and straw.

Dariusz Kwiatkowski


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The new Holiday package in Virgin Mobile – 10 GB for PLN 9 –

Holidays has officially begun, and that means a lot of time to explore our beautiful country. During such trips, most of you probably has a lot of pics, which will be happy once would share with friends on social networks. And that is necessary is the internet. A lot of the Internet. Orange has prepared a holiday package of 6 GB for 6 gold. Now is the time for Virgin Mobile.

As you can count on Orange – in the above promotions – 1 GB costs 1 zloty. Virgin Mobile is even more generous offers 10 GB for PLN 9 , which is a 1 GB out of 90 cents. The package is valid for 30 days from the start, but only if you are not a user of any package 3in1 – otherwise fits into the currently ongoing billing cycle.

The promotion runs from 28 June to 31 August . Pack 10 GB for PLN 9

You can buy many times, but once you have activated only one. Next, you can purchase only if the previous expires (unused gigabytes lost).

Pack 10 GB for PLN 9 runs short code * 222 * 1 # . The state remaining transfer works while the code * 108 # .

 Virgin Mobile 10 GB 9 & # x142; gold

Take advantage?

Terms and Conditions Promotional offers” Package #Wakacyjny_Wypas “

Source: Virgin Mobile


Manta Bee: a new Polish phone wants to be a premium – Virtual Poland

The newest smartphone Polish brand Manta has everything you encounter in the best phones – 5 inch display, fingerprint reader, and even fashionable gold case. For this costs just 349 zł.

 The new model Manta Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee is a 5-inch smartphone Polish brand. The phone is dedicated to people who like to follow the latest trends in the fashion. How touts your product Manta, smartphone Bee is made with attention to detail. It is characterized by a thin housing and fashionable color of gold. All this while maintaining excellent value for money, which is famous for smartphones Manta.

 Manta Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee is equipped with a large, clear screen with a diagonal of 5 inch IPS technology. Matrix provides excellent color reproduction. You can now view pictures, phone service or playing games is not a problem, even on a sunny day.

 Performance device provides quad-core processor, so that it is possible to smooth playback of games and applications, including even the most demanding. Manta Bee has 1 GB of built-in RAM and 8GB of flash memory, and runs smoothly operating system Android 5.1

 With microSD connector, it is possible to increase the available memory up to 32 GB using a MicroSD card. The phone supports two SIM cards – Dual SIM. Manta Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee is equipped with two cameras: a rear with a resolution

of 8 megapixels and the front – 5 megapixel. In addition, the phone has a built in a typical set of communication interfaces, including Wi-Fi b / g / n and Bluetooth.

 Manta MSP95009 Bee is a high quality product portfolio of smartphones Manta and therefore received the additional designation “PREMIUM PRODUCT”. It is available only in selected stores.

  Screen size: 5 “
Resolution: 480×854
Dimensions (WxHxD):
144x72x8.5 mm Weight 157 g
operating System: Android 5.1
screen type: IPS
processor Quad Core
Flash: 8 GB
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b / G / N
Dual-SIM: Yes
Bluetooth: Yes
memory card: MicroSD (max 32 GB)
USB jack: Micro USB
Connectors microUSB headphone
battery capacity: 1900 mAh
Supported GSM band: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Supported WCDMA bands: 2100 MHz
Front camera: 5 megapixels
Rear camera: 8 megapixel (autofocus)
Radio FM: Yes
Color Gold


Janina Paradowska did not conduct interviews, to lead them. It was felt, that comes to them from the heart – Gazeta Wyborcza

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             Janina  Paradowska

Janina Paradowska (Fig. Slawomir Kaminski / Agencja Gazeta)



Janina Paradowska on the air was sharp. Speaking in a low voice, using cultural words, so she could chide the caller that this felt like a little child. Besides the antenna was a completely different person. She did not ask if he could help. She said, "I'll help," - says Karolina Opole-Warchoł from Radio TOK FM.





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Janina Paradowska Wednesday morning was to appear on Radio TOK FM. For 13 years once a week led there "Morning Radio TOK FM." But this time she did not come to work, never before it happened. Absence noticed listeners. "I waited today for its program ..." - wrote on Twitter Joanna. Soon after Radio TOK FM reported information: Joanna Paradowska died.

- We will miss her very. I have absolutely no idea who could replace Janina Paradowska. I can not imagine that there was the second such person - says Karolina Opole-Warchoł, publisher program, which led Janina Paradowska. - She was with us from the first, "the Morning". I do not know what will now be a program without it - he added.

Why Janina Paradowska came from all

Carolina Opole-Warchoł worked with Janina Paradowska for eight years. By this time she had the opportunity to watch two different faces of the well-known journalist. That they know the audience and which learned many politicians. And secondly, that know her colleagues at work.

- The air was sharp, she had a sharp tongue. Speaking in a low voice, with a culture of words, so she could chide the caller that he felt like a little child - recalls's editor.

- To work approached with great professionalism. He never is late. She always came before all, to get ready and was always prepared to programs. He cared about his work. He did not conduct interviews, to lead them. It was felt, that comes to them from the heart. A lot learned from her about the world of politics - he says.

Paradowska: That I'm calling to minister! - No, no, Mrs. Janino

A second Janina Paradowska? - In addition to the antenna, on the other side of the radio window he was cordial, warm, friendly, caring person. She treated us like his children's radio. Always remember about our birthdays and important occasions. Brought pies ... She bought donuts and Angel wings ... She thought about all and about themselves in last place. I know that it is often said, but she really was so.

Carolina Opole-Warchoł mentions that she sometimes had the opportunity to see this. - I do it I came with the problems of professional and private. She listened and did not ask if he could help

me. She said, "I'll help," "It's me then immediately take care of this."

- Once, I was looking for a lawyer in a private matter. A Janina Paradowska said, "This I can call the minister of justice." - No, no, Mrs. Janino! - I protested. Finally, I agreed to help find a law firm. How then went to the office, it had seemed that the red carpet in front of me developed - smiles Carolina Opole-Warchoł.

- I could call her at any time. When I traveled to Krakow, he wanted to give me the keys to his apartment. Sam me there used to be invited for coffee. And yet it never went through with it on you. It seemed unthinkable - says editor of TOK FM. And he adds:

- Janina Paradowska was the salt of our program. What is today the most difficult to talk about her, "she was."



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Janina Paradowska dead –

Janina Paradowska was born in 1942. She was a graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University. She also studied journalism at the University of Warsaw. She worked in the “Courier Polish” and “Zycie Warszawy”. Since 1991. He was a columnist and commentator “Polityka” weekly. She conducted her weekly, Thursday’s radio show “Morning Radio TOK FM.” In 2008. Involved with television Superstacja, where she conducted Sunday current affairs program “box Paradowska.”

Journalism awards Paradowska

during the activity, Paradowska received many awards. Among them: Prize. Adolf Bochenski, Perpetual Award Foundation. Xavier and Mieczyslaw Pruszyński Prize. Andrzej Urbanczyk. She also received the award Kisiel. In 2002. He won the Grand Press for the Best Journalist of the Year. In addition, what it was to be the fulfillment of her youthful dreams, received the opportunity to play on the stage of Theatre Square – has occurred three times in the British comedy “Not now, honey.”

“Hard Janka, Janka brave”

The biographical interview – “And I wanted to to be an actress … “- Paradowska said:” There are the world’s rare. And me, in the second half of life came to such a rare specimen. Husband Jerzy Zimowski. I met a fantastic man. I was with him good as ever. I can describe the policies, happiness, on top of your own, I can not. So leave it at short: I was happy with Jurek. It’s hard to tell what was happening, as it meets two mature people traumatized. I would have called it a fascination. I really miss him. And this death before my eyes when I bathed in the sea in Odessa, and suddenly just died. So at your fingertips, so quiet, so without warning, so too early. “

The death of George Zimowski

She mentioned in the book process, which passed after the death of her beloved husband. “I did not scream, but then, on the beach in Odessa terribly I screamed. I’ve always enjoyed life, but then, returning by plane from Odessa dreamed to be smashed with me on board. After the death of her husband ran a crazy job, it drowned out everything. “

Paradowska emphasized as an important part of life , it was for her work: “Journalism is a good profession to bludgeon

sadness, grief. Janina Paradowska always is dressed, made-up, concrete, pick up prepared – no it was. Hard Janka, Janka brave. Only the fear of the evening – to enter the apartment and steer clear of room Jurek. He did not even look in that direction. Drink tea in the kitchen, take a sleeping pill and sleep. Morning to get up, stand up to the vertical, and again work zatłukiwać emotions. A lot of time passed before a brave Janka could just walk into the room Jurek, sit on a chair to touch the desk. Go to the cinema or bookstore – I was afraid that the distributions, because it was our place. “

Janina Paradowska:” This my voice terrible “

In one of the interviews granted, with a large distance and humor, spoke about his life and myself. “I had to be prudent and diligent. From a child. (…) The house was poorly. (…) I had a separate sofa near the stove. Six people lived in a room with a kitchen. Toilet on the mezzanine, which I was afraid, because the rats running around. My father suffered from multiple sclerosis, ill-treated him. Then came leukemia. He died when I was 14 years old. Mama with a small pre-war Matura was the Registrar for the clinic. I had to make a living. Work. Brother went to college, my sister was considered unhealthy, and I – always – the strongest in the family. So I had a lot of duties, “- said in an interview with Grzegorz Sroczyńskim for” High Heels “.

Recalling his beginnings, when Paradowska looking for careers, she said: “I consider myself a craftsman. I went to the Polish language and literature, because it’s such a decent college and a lot of reading. And I liked to read. Teaching practice in Sanok – a nightmare. I realized that the teacher certainly will not stay. With the theater did not work out, even though I wanted to be a theater critic. But it was a closed environment. Anyway – how many of us have to critics? I wrote the first report to “Fighting Youth”. ‘Inquired by Sroczyński, as evaluates its first material, said bluntly: “Gniot.”

policy addressed after 1989. – Most peerelowskich political journalists disappeared because it was thought that they are compromised. it was a desert. There was a free space in it went.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Borsch Sosnowski in Wroclaw. Dangerous plant again returned [AUDIO] – Radio Eska

He was to be food for the animals, and proved to be very dangerous. Borsch Sosnowski appears again in Wroclaw. June is the time when the plant enters a period of intense flowering and growing. Its juices are now the most toxic.

Borsch Sosnowski this summer appeared in Wroclaw in the street or on Ubocze Strachocińskiej between the roundabout and the railway tracks.

– The area is then enclose tape and posted leaflets information that the site is a Borscht Sosnowski – explains Grzegorz Muchorowski from the Wroclaw city guard.

The guards ensure that so far the owners of where there was a plant they removed it immediately.

dangerous for people and for animals

When it is mature, Borsch Sosnowski can reach four meters. Touching it can burn you. The toxins contained in the plant cause dermatitis and conjunctivitis and blisters.

– quickly you have to wash your hands with cold water and soap. Within two hours should occur most dangerous visible burns. The safest course is for 48 hours does not go out into the sun. Alternatively, apply the ointment przeciwuczulające that we use for skin allergies or insect bites –

explains Agnieszka Balbierz from the University of Life Sciences.

If we find somewhere Borsch Sosnowski, preferably as soon as possible to give the guards know the city. Calling such information can under number 986.

Listen to Sarah’s speech Balbierz from the University of Life Sciences:

Read also:


Zortrax M300 – a new 3D printer (video) –

Zortrax M300 is based on the construction of the model M200, but offers a larger working area and new opportunities prototyping. In the case of large Zortrax M200 models had to be divided into parts and printed separately and then combined together – working area of ​​this model is in fact 200 x 200 x 180 mm, while .nowego equipment – 300 x 300 x 300 mm, which allows such . print in one piece motorcycle helmet.

the new spools of materials for printing are higher than in the case of materials for the M200 and offer a preview of the consumption of material for printing, which allows for easier planning of subsequent prints. Model M300 comes bundled with shields chamber print. Such protection protects the print from external factors, and helps maintain a constant temperature inside the device, which prevents deformation.

the machine prints the LPD technology (plastic layer deposition), which consists in applying layer after layer dissolved in a high-temperature material for printing. Zortrax M300 operates at a resolution of 90 to 300 microns with a single extruder. External dimensions of the device are 490 x 490 x 560 mm. Communication with printer 3D is via SD card.

For Zortrax M300 will be available four types of print materials: Z-Ultrat (versatile material allows for prototyping, with characteristics similar to models of injection molding machines, industrial) Z-Hips (material originally designed for printing

large models with a regular structure, matte finish), Z-glass (partially light transmitting material originally designed for prototypes, which eventually will be produced from transparent plastic or glass), and Z-PETG (material resistant to salt, acids and bases allows printing prototypes of the moving mechanisms exposed to chemicals’ also features a large physical resistance).

Zortrax M300, customers will receive a kit that allows you to instantly start working with the printer when you remove it from the box. The device will be sold with the bobbin material Z-Ultrat and key software Z-Suite. In addition, the box will be a starter kit contains the accessories you need to manually trim the printed models (eg. The removal of support material) and, among others glasses and gloves. In addition, 3D printer Zortrax M300 will be provided with shields chamber print.

The printer Zortrax M300 will soon be introduced to the market in over 50 markets worldwide. Price of the device is not yet known.

Author: km

Learn more: Zortrax M300, 3D printer, Zortrax


Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee – new smartphone Manta for 349 zł –

Manta Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee is equipped with the Android operating system 5.1, a screen size of 5 “IPS technology, quad-core processor, 1 GB of built-in RAM and 8 GB of flash memory.

The smartphone also has connector microSD allowing an increase in the available memory of 32 GB using microSD cards feature dual SIM, dual cameras (rear 8 megapixel, front 5 megapixel), connectivity Wi-Fi b / g / n and Bluetooth and a battery with a capacity of 1900 mAh.

Manta Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee is available in selected stores, and the suggested retail price smartphone is 349 zł gross.

Manta Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee – Technical Specifications:

 - Screen size: 5 “

 - Resolution: 480 x 854

 - Dimensions (W x H x D): 144 x 72 x 8.5 mm

 - Weight: 157 g

 - Operating system: Android 5.1

 - Display Type: IPS

 - Processor: Quad Core

 - RAM: 1 GB

 - Flash 8 GB

 - Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 B / G / N

 - Dual-SIM

 - Bluetooth

 - GPS

 - Memory card slot: MicroSD (up to 32GB)

 - USB: Micro USB

 - Connector: microUSB, headphone

 - Battery capacity: 1900 mAh

 - Supported band GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz

 - Supported band WCDMA 2100 MHz

 - Front Camera: 5 megapixel

 - Rear camera: 8 megapixels (autofocus)

 - FM radio

 - Color: gold.

Author: km

Learn more: Quad Titan MSP95009 Bee, Manta for 349 zł, Manta Quad Titan


Windows itself has downloaded and damaged the computer. Microsoft pays compensation – TVN24 BiS

Microsoft has often been criticized for forcing installing the latest operating system. And now I am paying the price for it. The court awarded just 10 thousand. dollars a woman

whose own computer installed Windows 10.

Teri Goldstein first saw her computer attempts to download and install the Windows 10 a few days after the users Microsoft released it last year He says that did not allow for an update, and in spite of the computer downloaded it automatically. To install the system, however, did not happen.

ZR & oacute; DLO: Microsoft Press Room Microsoft promises even more intense campaign associated with the promotion of the latest Windows 10

They go major changes. Microsoft promises even more intense campaign shall be linked to … see more »

– I’ve never heard of Windows 10 – Goldstein said in an interview with the” Seattle Times “. – Nobody asked me if I want to update your system – she added.

The computer soon after collection system has failed and was not fit for use. It was a big problem, because Goldstein uses a computer to conduct their own travel agencies.

The woman filed a lawsuit against Microsoft to court, and he awarded her compensation. For lost wages and broken computer will get 10 thousand. dollars.

In a brief statement, Microsoft spokesman said the company “withdrew the appeal in order to avoid the cost of further litigation.” For his guilt technological giant, however, not be granted.

The case of Goldstein is not the only one. So far, many people complained about the haunting Microsoft policy concerning the installation of Windows 10.

Free update your system to the highest version is able to July 29, 2016 year. Then you will have to pay for it.

Artificial Intelligence Microsoft has been a fan of Hitler and Donald Trump:


Zortrax with the launch of the new 3D printer – Republic

The printer Zortrax M300 will be dedicated mainly to business customers. The machine is designed for designing and prototyping. – M300 has enlarged working area corresponds to the needs of customers interested in prints of large models. The first comments we collected after the release of the device are very positive. M300 opens us new market opportunities and certainly even enhance our position among the leaders in 3D printing – says Rafal Tomasiak, the company’s president Zortrax. As reported, the M300 is equipped with a dual axis system, which will increase the accuracy of their conduct. These systems combined with high precision print head to ensure high quality and accuracy

wydruków.Zortrax is the first Polish project on the site crowdfundingowym Kickstarter, which ended successfully with funding of about 180 thousand. dol. In the latest edition of prestigious report Smartech is mentioned among the largest manufacturers of 3D printers in the world. The Company has developed an integrated environment of 3D printing, including copyright 3D printer, software and materials for printing. Products used include Zortrax in medicine, engineering and architecture.


Założyłbyś printed helmet? To this can be used again, Poland 3D printer – Spider’s Web

I would never have thought that the new lamp on the desk can cause so much fun. And yet! Ba … Anyway, it does ot such a simple lamp, but the result of a compromise between the beautiful design and the comfort and health.

The conversion of my job I can slowly be considered to have been made. First, work desk sit / stand, then the appropriate ergonomic chair, then a special stand at the notebook, and now a new lamp.

This creation is called Fade Task Light and there, the Atlantic Ocean, is a major achievement. Hit mainly among employees of Silicon Valley. Why? I hasten to explanations.

Those Americans are able to make a story around the product, right? Take a look on page – one product, one lamp and how much (almost-Apple’s) amazingu. It is not hard to fall in love. And that alone I fall victim to these amours quite often, it is when Luke flew to the United States Conference of Lenovo in San Francisco, saddled him responsible task of bringing light Fade Task Light for me to Polish.

So now lamp resides on my desk great, and I’m – in spite of a truly American money – super-happy.

First of all, it looks

You must admit that it is a small work of art. Seemingly simple design of the pain, but very cleverly conceived.

The base of the lamp is solid metal part of the oval, which is used to control the light, which in a moment. Attached to the base of the arm that can bend in two places – so as to serve the different operating modes and offer a sufficiently large range. The base can also move around and thus move the position of the arm.

Fade Task Light, 3

At the bend of the arm connecting slide and put forward themselves and thus design retains its unique shape despite the different settings.

Fade Task Light, 1

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Well, and properly lit

the most important thing is that the light Fade Task light I run.

If you recall from my previous texts, I firmly believe in the theory of the dangers of blue light that emits a computer screen. therefore, for a long time using F.lux application on your computer that automatically adjusts the intensity and color of light from the screen depending on the time of day. the goal is the best possible representation of natural light.

however, the properly selected light of the computer screen when the lamp heats his sharp white light. Fade Task Light solves this problem.

My new lamp …

A video posted by Przemek Pajak (@przemekspider) on

This lamp not only allows you to change the volume light (strong light), but also its color – from a sharp white, to be used together with sunlight, the warm yellow to properly illuminate the work station after dark.

Although not do it automatically as f .lux on the computer, but the pleasure of operating the knob, which is located inside a metal base in the form of a magnet is driven on a smooth surface is extremely high.

the impression is excellent. In fact, the lamp operates so that its light is forgotten. It is simply, but do not perceive this overly clear.

One of the better purchases

I know, comments like “how do you spend so much on a lamp” start in 3, 2, 1 set, go! But what the hell – already learned that the health and comfort of work is not saving money.

Fade Task Light, 2

Oh, and I almost forgot – the lamp you could choose different colors (black, red, blue or white) and a variety of ornamental finishes arm. the base is also a USB output, which can be used to charge electronic equipment.

the Polish did not send the lamp. the help you need so ask your friends going to the United States.


Upgrading to Windows 10 broke her computer. Microsoft dearly paid for it –

Teri Goldsteinm, a resident of California, one day she noticed that her computer will not turn on as usual. He did not want to work. After a brief investigation and contacted with the help of Microsoft, it turned out that the machine alone has updated to Windows 10.

Read also: Windows 10 will change this summer.

As we mentioned company no longer asks for permission to carry it out, only it indicates that the update will take place. Who closes the window with the message and do not read, how to manually disable the transition to Windows 10, this wakes up with the new system.

 Windows 10 reports: today & # x15B; update  Fig. for

This is what happened in the case of American women. The computer began the process of upgrading to Windows 10. Sorry – something went wrong, which woman lost access to the data. And in principle, the machine became useless. Starting caused looped restart, problems with the application.

I’ve never heard of Windows 10. No one asked
me if I wanted to change it.

– the woman explained in an interview with Seatlle Times.

Microsoft had no choice: in order to avoid the process decided to pay a woman $ 10,000. The money is compensation for loss of computer and losses resulting from the interruption of business operations.

Telegraph describes the case of a Briton, the machine also “alone” has changed for Windows 10. When you attempt to return to the “eight” and in this case there was damage to the machine. A similar situation happened certainly more causes problems with the operation of machinery may be, however, very different. It is difficult for all the blame Microsoft.

Microsoft is doing really a lot to like most users changed on Windows 10. The company shall take all possible incentives justifying the fact that in a month, after 29 July, the change will no longer be free .


Windows 10: Microsoft paid 10 thousand. USD compensation for self-updating – PC World















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