Thursday, June 16, 2016

Massed checks CBA: Agents went to 16 marshal offices. It is about 17 billion euros –

  Foto: Onet
  Massed checks CBA: 16 agents entered the marshal’s offices. It is about 17 billion euros

Today, agents of the Bureau started “superkontrolę” – as they define it – throughout the country. They went to the offices of the Marshal Podlaskie, Warmia-Mazury and Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomeranian, Silesian, Świętokrzyskie, Małopolskie, Lublin, Lodz Lubuskie, Wielkopolska, Podkarpacie, West Pomeranian, Lower Silesia, Opole and Mazowieckie.

X-Ray marshals

– control are covered by specific provisions of the law-making procedures and implementation of decisions concerning the financial support granted by the marshals’ offices in the framework of selected operational programs for 2007-2013. The total amount of funds involved in 16 regional programs in those years amounted to 17.3 billion euros – said Onet Department of Social Communication of the CBA.

special study of the Bureau shall be subject to programs in which beneficiaries are themselves marshal offices. – In practical terms, these big money from EU programs, which Marshal’s Office admitted himself, he pursued them and then himself accountable. Controls include, among others, compliance with public procurement law, the principles of competitiveness, keeping the schedule of the project, verification of design changes, correct payment, achievement indicators (ie the result and product), declared in the application or verify submitted for reimbursement of the costs eligible for EU support – lists CBA in response to our questions.

as the Office, comprehensive and systematic checks will also include those responsible for decision-making in the institutions participating in the implementation of the operational program – the stage of the financing decision of the project to verify the payment application.

– parallel to the initiations of control will be carried out analysis of the statements of assets of the marshals. Province authorities play a key role in the management

and implementation of the Regional Operational Programmes – explains the CBA.

As highlighted officers if the inspection reveals other irregularities, the CBA will extend the commitment. In all these activities will be involved specialized agents Investigations Department of Control and all delegations CBA.

– We are accustomed to such checks. These are institutions that have the right and obligation to control, and every time we work. We have shown the necessary documentation – says in an interview with Gabriela Wind Onet, a spokeswoman for the West Pomeranian Marshal’s Office. – Last year, such control in our office was 38, today’s number is 22 this year. It’s standard procedure – adds in an interview with a reporter Onet Alice Wirwicką.

Agents in PZU

This is not the end. Representatives of the Office conduct activities in other institutions, which today informed. – Agents CBA yesterday late in the afternoon they went to the headquarters of PZU and PZU Life in Warsaw. Securing documents for one of the big projects. Getting underway. This is the first time the procedure because for the sake of the investigation, we can not disclose more details. Activities run under the supervision of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw – told us officers.

It is a contract for the software contained in October 2004 by PZU Zycie. According to “Gazeta Polish”, who wrote about the case, the contract could cost PZU Group 200 million zł.

watch the municipal police

It’s still not the end of today’s action CBA. Officers also went to the headquarters of the Municipal Police of the Capital City Warsaw. It’s part of multithreaded investigation, led by the Delegation Office in Lublin, under the supervision of the District Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw, concerning irregularities in the award of certain contracts.

– Agents protect documents and data telecommunication, Internet correspondence, related to the organization selected tenders, preparation and granting certain operators of public contracts and their execution and settlement. The evidence collected will be verified and analyzed – we read in the CBA response to our questions.

(jb and)


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