For several months we thought that today, after the pre-E3 conference, everything will be clear. Sony finally show the world the PlayStation 4 Neo (which and so we already know a lot of leaks), and Microsoft will present the mighty Xbox One (Two?). A button. Fair conferences did not dispel most of our concerns.
Microsoft representatives were sincere, they admitted that in addition to the Xbox One S, there is also, for now on the drawing boards, but still exists, Scorpio. The most powerful game console ever. The resulting two years “monster” capable of handling 4K gaming, VR, 6 tetaflopów, miracles wreaths. Shown even his picture forgotten just before the snap of photos turn the flash on.

After all, every player knows where he stood. It Xbox One, any day will be the Xbox One S. Each game Microsoft will go well on Windows 10 and one and a half year, sales hit Scorpio. The new console, but not a new generation, which was part of “the family Xbox One” and being compatible with it. May just not turned out that in the world of consoles, as in life, with his family the best comes in the pictures and the full potential of the new equipment will be held by older brothers.
You can guess that playing the Scorpio and old One’y will be able to vary the graphics and resolution, but not the content, and that’s the important thing. Look at the shadow of Mordor on the PS3 and PS4. Or FIFA 17 on two different generations of equipment – despite the common title, is really another game. At Xboksach do not want this type of discrepancy.
Microsoft said most entering, ironically, the greatest chaos. Sony played va banque, admitting before E3 that PS4 Neo exists, then do not even zająknęło up about it at a conference in Los Angeles. They were the most important game. And PlayStation VR, which is the pride and joy of the company. A new hardware? Yes, someday there will be, but until then we can play great-sounding titles, without worrying about whether the HDR-em Slim model would be better. You can say that Microsoft calls a spade a spade, and Sony hides waiting hardcore gamers fly. OK, but if this change actually take place in the fourth quarter of 2017 will mean that the appliances will mention four years. Still fast compared to the PS3 era, and especially the Xbox 360, but let’s go back to the first console from Microsoft. For this company a whole generation lasted four years, and consoles were incomparably more expensive.
Now we are talking about 8.5-generation, 100% compatible with games issued from the end of 2013. While everyone feared the death of consoles and very short life cycle of the equipment, it turns out that it can be incredibly long so far. And this is great news.
First, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in addition to the new games get the weight ports even several years PeCetowych games and remasters. This library in conjunction with current and upcoming games gives us even astronomical number of available titles on both platforms. Titles, which due to Full HD slowly grow old, and two-way compatibility, hardware new and old consoles will no longer “fit for use”.

The second thing standing for 1.5 years before choosing to buy a new PS4 or Xbox One will not They have to answer the question, “what I’m going to play on the outside of these three titles starter on the cross.” You have from 2013 PS4? By purchasing in 2017 Scorpio not dig out great xboksowych exclusive’ów for months (some of which can get the patches for the new hardware). For years you play on your Xbox? Kratos, Trico, Nathan, Ratchet, Crash and the whole gang already waiting for you.
Prolonged eighth generation of consoles, with more powerful hardware, it’s also great news for fans of boxed games and the current status quo. Smaller games will only appear in the figure, the role of subscriptions may increase, but did not threaten us push through publishers steamowych solutions or other “always online’ów”, which in 2013 on Xbox One was quite likely. Change the outfits for the game, but not the rules of the game, and the following tutorial will still be valid.
I do not envy those who were waiting for E3 with their purchasing decisions. I do not know what I would have told someone today who is considering replacement of parts in the PC or buying his first eighth-generation console. At the same time I am glad, however, that things turned out this way and not otherwise, and this year’s conference, despite appearances were not focused on hardware, but what is most important for us – the games.
It’s a pity that not on the PS Vita but already I resigned to the idea that someday it will serve me just to ogrywania older titles from PlayStation now cloud. As has been the last ever at our shows.
Paul Olszewski

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