Saturday, June 25, 2016

Tragedy on Piława. Tree killed his father with his son at the confluence –

Male and his sons took part in canoeing on Piława. When at approx. 16.00 sky became very dark and powerful wind sprang up, the man decided that he will leave the canoe ashore to take shelter from the storm. Then there was a tragedy. At the family knocked a huge tree.

– forty, a man and his seven-year son died on the spot. Seriously injured was the second son of the man. Air ambulance helicopter he was transported to the Hospital in Pila – says Faktowi24 Sgt. staff. Beata Budzyn, a spokesman for the District

Police Headquarters in Pila.

Stan child is serious but stable. On-site police work technicians under the supervision of the prosecutor.

Christopher Dega


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