Wednesday, June 15, 2016

For the first time global warming killed all species of mammals – News

small, related to mouse rodents ceased to exist. Melomys rubicola wearing the English name of Bramble Cay melomys lived on a small sandy island off the southern coast of Papua New Guinea. He lived near the sea and even in 2014, meets up with individuals of this species.

But now scientists from the Australian University of Queensland carefully searched the area and found no traces of rodents. Also used baits and triggered the movement of cameras, but the animals were gone. The reason is, according to researchers, rising sea levels, which flooded habitats Melomys rubicola and violent storms which have recently plagued the area. The effects of global warming – on the effects of which will bring

Poland, rising seas wrote recently . By the end of this century, sea levels will rise probably by at least 2 meters.

There is still hope that the rodents were different habitat, but has not yet found their tracks. This is the first known case where the mammal species disappeared as a result of global warming, but the recorded due to the phenomenon of extinction of other groups of animals.


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