Wednesday, June 15, 2016

NASA discovered a planet like the “Star Wars” – Republic

The planet Kepler-1647b is 3.7 thousand. light-years from Earth, and its age is similar to the age of our planet (it has approx. 4.4 billion years). However, it is the size of Earth – like size of Jupiter and just as Jupiter is called. gas giant.

The stars around which circulates newly discovered planet similar to our Sun, one of them is greater than the second. The distance of the planet from the star makes it theoretically there could be life on it, but in practice this is unlikely – gas giants do not have a solid surface and are composed mainly of gas or ice. Although theoretically on the planet may appear liquid water, which is a necessary condition for the emergence

of life in the form in which it exists on Earth.

Kepler-1647b is not the first discovered by NASA’s planet orbiting two stars (we know 11 such planets), but it is the largest of this type of celestial body discovered in space. Year on this planet lasts 1,107 days – the time it takes her a full lap two stars.


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